Effective Factors on Health during of Online Shopping of Customers with the Approach of Customers spurt the Corona
Subject Areas : Health information managementmojtaba nasiri 1 , hossein vazifehdoost 2 * , mohammad ali nasimi 3 , hossein didehkhani 4
1 - PhD student in Business Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Management, Research Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Aliabadektol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
Keywords: spurt the corona, Health Oriented, Meta Synthesis, online shopping, Online Stores,
Abstract :
Introduction: The Corona crisis has posed a huge challenge to businesses, giving organizations the opportunity to identify new business models and survive in the crisis. The aim of this study was to effective factors online shopping with the approach of customer-health during the Corona spurt using the Meta synthesis technique.Methods: The present study is a type of developmental research in terms of the purpose. In the qualitative section, the statistical society included 126 documentary articles, which were finally selected into 33 articles related to the subject, and in the quantitative section, 5 online stores were selected as experts by using convenience sampling method. Qualitative data were analyzed using the seven-step method of Barros & Sandelowski in Meta synthesis technique and in the quantitative part data were analyzed by the best-worst method (BWM) using MAXQDA, SPSS and LINGO software.Results: Factors affecting online shopping were introduced in 5 categories (website features, customer features, environmental factors, customer perceptions, online shopping advantages), 16 axial codes and 81 open codes and their prioritization were presented (Website features 0.427, customer features 0.321, environmental factors 0.129, online shopping advantages 0.08 and customer perceptions 0.042).Conclusion: Business managers can influence customer's attitude and mentality and ensure their health in order to take preventive action by using the factors affecting online shopping with the priority of customers' health in the Corona spurt as an important action.
1- Youngman I. COVID-19: Medical tourism could be affected until 2021. International Medical Travel Journal, 2020; 1-5.
2- Ghosal I. Debasish B. Bikram P. Envisioning the impact of online shopping: An antecedent to newfangled Social fabric through Digital consumerism, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020; 29.8: 1400-1408.
3- Zhao S. Lin Q. Ran J. Musa SS. Yang G. Wang W et al. Preliminary estimation of the basic reproduction number of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China, from 2019 to 2020: A data-driven analysis in the early phase of the outbreak. Int J Infect Dis, 2020; 92: 214-7.
4- Mojaddam K; Nadaf M; Mohammadi S. Examining factors affecting consumer use behavior from online shopping technology based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology2 (UTAUT2) case study: Digikala customers in Khuzestan province. New Marketing Research Journal, 2020; 9(4): 115- 136. [In Persian]
5- Kiarazm A; Forozandeh D l; Mahmoudi M M; Hosseini M. Design and explain the pattern of online shopping improvement based on the customer decision making process. Journal of Busines Administration Researches, 2020; 12(23): 277- 308. [In Persian]
6- Ritter T; Pedersen C. Digitization capability and the digitalization of business to business firms: past, present, and future. Industrial Marketing Management, 2019; 86(4):180-190.
7- Ruwan B; Mario F; Shahriar A. Explicating the privacy paradox: A qualitative inquiry of online shopping consumers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020; 52: 1-9.
8- Fatin ZA; Noor F; Kalsitinoor S. Investigating the factors of trust and risk on career women in luxury brand purchasing intention through online in Malaysia. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business, 2019; 4(19): 108-122.
9- Mirzaei Mohammadabadi M; Bahrainizad M; Ismailpour M. Assessing the factors affecting online shopping behavior. Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Persian Gulf University, 2016. [In Persian]
10- Shwu Ing W; HsinTi T. A Comparison of the online shopping behavior patterns of consumer groups with different online shopping experiences. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2017; 9(3): 114-132.
11- Shafiei Nikabadi M; Zarei A. Effectiveness of advertisements on electronic social networks. Journal of Business Administration Researches, 2017; 9(17): 149-173. [In Persian]
12- Kwarteng M A; Jibril A B; Nwaiwu F; Pilik M; Ali M. Internet based channel orientation for domesticated services firm: some drivers and consequences. International Working Conference on Transfer and Diusion of IT, 2019; 15(6): 90-103.
13- Ofori D. Appiah Nimo C. Determinants of online shopping among tertiary students in Ghana: An extended technology acceptance model. Cogent Bus Manag, 2019; 6(2): 164-171.
14- L. Recommendation, customer satisfaction, online shopping experience, trust, and word of mouth affecting consumer online shopping decision in China. Master Thesis in Bankog University, 2019.
15- Ismagilova E; Slade E; Rana N; Dwivedi Y. The effect of electronic word of mouth communications on intention to buy: a Meta analysis. Information Systems Frontiers, 2019; 22: 1203-1226.
16- Tatiana M; Wesley V; Adriano M; Claudineia K; Claudimar P. Online customer behavior: perceptions regarding the types of risks incurred through online purchases. Palgrave Communications, 2020; 6(13): 53-68.
17- Norozi F; Kazemipoor H. Clasification of customers of internet services, using data mining algorithms roshd e fanavari. Journal of Science &Tecnology Parks and Incubators, 2017; 13(49): 9-15. [In Persian]
18- Kamankash V; Tarry V; Khorsandi M. Factors affecting customer behavior in shopping from online stores, Master Thesis, Allameh Tabatabai University, 2017. [In Persian]
19- Beitelahi Mahani M; Mullah H. A study of the factors affecting continuous online shopping from haiku 724 store in Kerman, M.Sc. Thesis, Mehr Higher Education Institute, Kerman, 2019. [In Persian]
20- Bench S; Day T. The user experience of critical care discharges: a Meta synthesis of qualitative research. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2010; 47: 487-99.
21- Zimmer L. Qualitative Meta synthesis: a question of dialoguing with texts. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2006; 53: 311-318.
22- Zahedi N; Hamidi N. Investigating the effect of online shopping website features on the customer's purchasing decision (case study: online shopping of Digi Kala and Bamilo retail hub stores). Journal of Accounting and Management Perspectives, 2019; 2(10): 49-66. [In Persian]
23- Kiakojuri H; Nasimi M A; Taghi Pourian M J; Ghanbarzadeh G. Investigating related factors on creating a competitive advantage in health tourism business: a case study. Journal of Health Administration, 2020; 23(1): 45-57. [In Persian]
24- Ehsani A. The effect of following the Corona virus health protocols on customer satisfaction and purchasing decision in pharmacies of Arak. JHA, 2020; 23(2): 102-110. [In Persian]
25- Shahyad S; Mohammadi M T. Psychological impacts of Covid-19 outbreak on mental health status of society individuals: a narrative review. J Mil Med, 2020; 22(2): 184-192. [In Persian]
26- Li S; Wang Y; Xue J; Zhao N; Zhu T. The impact of COVID-19 epidemic declaration on psychological consequences: a study on active weibo users, 2020; 17(6).
27- Bao Y; Sun Y; Meng S; Shi J; Lu L. 2019-nCoV epidemic: address mental health care to empower society. Lancet (London, England), 2020; 395(10224): 8-37.
28- Chen Q; Liang M; Li Y; Guo J; Fei D; Wang L et al. Mental health care for medical staff in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. The lancet Psychiatry, 2020; 7(4): 6-15.
29- Rahimiaghdam S; Fazlzadeh A; Ebrahimiaghdam N. The impact of assurance strategies on online purchase intonation by mediating role of trust in online stores. IT Management Studies, 2020; 8(32): 117-146. [In Persian]
30- Eghtesadifard M; Ronaghi M; Rasekh M. Identification and classification of the business model elements influencing on trading strategy in startup business with a meta-synthesis approach. Management strategies, 2019; 26(94): 113-130. [In Persian]
31- Doaei F; Ahanchian N; Bazrafshan Moghadam M. The effect of online advertising on the intention to buy online through brand awareness. Master Thesis, Hekmat Razavi Institute of Higher Education, 2018. [In Persian]
32- Hamidianpour F; Izadi H. The study of the effects of consumer perception of online retail ethics on brand equity. Management strategies, 2018; 15(11): 146-163. [In Persian]
33- Baqerzadeh S; Mousavi Kerchaei S A. Identifying the factors affecting online shopping and prioritizing them, Master Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Behshahr Branch, 2017. [In Persian]
34- Farahani Master F; Seyed Abrishami S E. Effectiveness model of shopping and online shopping features on urban travel demand, M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, 2017. [In Persian]
35- Karimi alavijeh M; Alitalab R. Investigation and analysis of website environmental cues on consumers’ purchase intention: The mediating role of internal states. New Marketing Research Journal, 2018; 7(4): 1-22. [In Persian]
36- Hosseini Abuali M. Investigating the moderating role of demographic variables on the perceived risks to adopt e-commerce in Iran agricultural sector. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, 2017; 48(3): 379-389. [In Persian]
37- Safari M; Soleimani M; Ghobadinia H. A conceptual model to explain ethical marketing in consumers’ willingness to buy through the internet according to the trust icon. Journal of Business Administration Researches, 2017; 9(18): 43-60. [In Persian]
38 Nejati A; Rahmani Z; Zamanian A. A study of factors affecting consumer behavior in online product purchase, Master Thesis, Adib Institute of Higher Education, Mazandaran, 2016. [In Persian]
39- Maadi M; Maadi M; Javidnia M. Identification of factors influencing building initial trust in e-commerce. Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 2016; 9(3): 483-503. [In Persian]
40- Maghsoudpour M. A study of barriers to the development of e-commerce in Iran, The third scientific conference on new findings of management, Entrepreneurship and Education in Iran, Tehran, 2016. [In Persian]
41- Jibril A B; Kwarteng M A; Pilik M; Botha E; Osakwe C N. Towards understanding the initial adoption of online retail stores in a low internet penetration context: An exploratory work in Ghana. Sustainability, 2020; 12(3): 854-873.
42- Silva J; Pinho J C; Soares A; Sá E. Antecedents of online purchase intention and behavior: uncovering unobserved heterogeneity. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2019; 20(1): 131-148.
43- Duartea P; Susana C S; Margarida B F. How convenient is it? Delivering online shopping convenience to enhance customer satisfaction and encourage e-WOM, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2018; 44: 161-169.
44- Izogo E E; Chanaka J. Online shopping experience in an emerging e-retailing market, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2018; 10 (2): 13-30.
45- Arora N; Aggarwal A. The role of perceived benefits in formation of online shopping attitude among women shoppers in India. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 2018; 7(1): 91-110.
46- Hsu C L; Chen M C; Kumar V. How social shopping retains customers? Capturing the essence of website quality and relationship quality. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2018; 29(1-2): 161-184.
47- Izogo E E. Jayawardhena C. Online shopping experience in an emerging e-retailing market. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2018; 12(2): 193-214.
48- Sanjeev P; Sai V; Chandan P. Effects of online shopping values and website cues on purchase behaviour: A study using S–O–R framework, The Journal for Decision Makers,2017; 42(1): 1-18.
_||_1- Youngman I. COVID-19: Medical tourism could be affected until 2021. International Medical Travel Journal, 2020; 1-5.
2- Ghosal I. Debasish B. Bikram P. Envisioning the impact of online shopping: An antecedent to newfangled Social fabric through Digital consumerism, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020; 29.8: 1400-1408.
3- Zhao S. Lin Q. Ran J. Musa SS. Yang G. Wang W et al. Preliminary estimation of the basic reproduction number of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China, from 2019 to 2020: A data-driven analysis in the early phase of the outbreak. Int J Infect Dis, 2020; 92: 214-7.
4- Mojaddam K; Nadaf M; Mohammadi S. Examining factors affecting consumer use behavior from online shopping technology based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology2 (UTAUT2) case study: Digikala customers in Khuzestan province. New Marketing Research Journal, 2020; 9(4): 115- 136. [In Persian]
5- Kiarazm A; Forozandeh D l; Mahmoudi M M; Hosseini M. Design and explain the pattern of online shopping improvement based on the customer decision making process. Journal of Busines Administration Researches, 2020; 12(23): 277- 308. [In Persian]
6- Ritter T; Pedersen C. Digitization capability and the digitalization of business to business firms: past, present, and future. Industrial Marketing Management, 2019; 86(4):180-190.
7- Ruwan B; Mario F; Shahriar A. Explicating the privacy paradox: A qualitative inquiry of online shopping consumers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020; 52: 1-9.
8- Fatin ZA; Noor F; Kalsitinoor S. Investigating the factors of trust and risk on career women in luxury brand purchasing intention through online in Malaysia. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business, 2019; 4(19): 108-122.
9- Mirzaei Mohammadabadi M; Bahrainizad M; Ismailpour M. Assessing the factors affecting online shopping behavior. Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Persian Gulf University, 2016. [In Persian]
10- Shwu Ing W; HsinTi T. A Comparison of the online shopping behavior patterns of consumer groups with different online shopping experiences. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2017; 9(3): 114-132.
11- Shafiei Nikabadi M; Zarei A. Effectiveness of advertisements on electronic social networks. Journal of Business Administration Researches, 2017; 9(17): 149-173. [In Persian]
12- Kwarteng M A; Jibril A B; Nwaiwu F; Pilik M; Ali M. Internet based channel orientation for domesticated services firm: some drivers and consequences. International Working Conference on Transfer and Diusion of IT, 2019; 15(6): 90-103.
13- Ofori D. Appiah Nimo C. Determinants of online shopping among tertiary students in Ghana: An extended technology acceptance model. Cogent Bus Manag, 2019; 6(2): 164-171.
14- L. Recommendation, customer satisfaction, online shopping experience, trust, and word of mouth affecting consumer online shopping decision in China. Master Thesis in Bankog University, 2019.
15- Ismagilova E; Slade E; Rana N; Dwivedi Y. The effect of electronic word of mouth communications on intention to buy: a Meta analysis. Information Systems Frontiers, 2019; 22: 1203-1226.
16- Tatiana M; Wesley V; Adriano M; Claudineia K; Claudimar P. Online customer behavior: perceptions regarding the types of risks incurred through online purchases. Palgrave Communications, 2020; 6(13): 53-68.
17- Norozi F; Kazemipoor H. Clasification of customers of internet services, using data mining algorithms roshd e fanavari. Journal of Science &Tecnology Parks and Incubators, 2017; 13(49): 9-15. [In Persian]
18- Kamankash V; Tarry V; Khorsandi M. Factors affecting customer behavior in shopping from online stores, Master Thesis, Allameh Tabatabai University, 2017. [In Persian]
19- Beitelahi Mahani M; Mullah H. A study of the factors affecting continuous online shopping from haiku 724 store in Kerman, M.Sc. Thesis, Mehr Higher Education Institute, Kerman, 2019. [In Persian]
20- Bench S; Day T. The user experience of critical care discharges: a Meta synthesis of qualitative research. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2010; 47: 487-99.
21- Zimmer L. Qualitative Meta synthesis: a question of dialoguing with texts. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2006; 53: 311-318.
22- Zahedi N; Hamidi N. Investigating the effect of online shopping website features on the customer's purchasing decision (case study: online shopping of Digi Kala and Bamilo retail hub stores). Journal of Accounting and Management Perspectives, 2019; 2(10): 49-66. [In Persian]
23- Kiakojuri H; Nasimi M A; Taghi Pourian M J; Ghanbarzadeh G. Investigating related factors on creating a competitive advantage in health tourism business: a case study. Journal of Health Administration, 2020; 23(1): 45-57. [In Persian]
24- Ehsani A. The effect of following the Corona virus health protocols on customer satisfaction and purchasing decision in pharmacies of Arak. JHA, 2020; 23(2): 102-110. [In Persian]
25- Shahyad S; Mohammadi M T. Psychological impacts of Covid-19 outbreak on mental health status of society individuals: a narrative review. J Mil Med, 2020; 22(2): 184-192. [In Persian]
26- Li S; Wang Y; Xue J; Zhao N; Zhu T. The impact of COVID-19 epidemic declaration on psychological consequences: a study on active weibo users, 2020; 17(6).
27- Bao Y; Sun Y; Meng S; Shi J; Lu L. 2019-nCoV epidemic: address mental health care to empower society. Lancet (London, England), 2020; 395(10224): 8-37.
28- Chen Q; Liang M; Li Y; Guo J; Fei D; Wang L et al. Mental health care for medical staff in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. The lancet Psychiatry, 2020; 7(4): 6-15.
29- Rahimiaghdam S; Fazlzadeh A; Ebrahimiaghdam N. The impact of assurance strategies on online purchase intonation by mediating role of trust in online stores. IT Management Studies, 2020; 8(32): 117-146. [In Persian]
30- Eghtesadifard M; Ronaghi M; Rasekh M. Identification and classification of the business model elements influencing on trading strategy in startup business with a meta-synthesis approach. Management strategies, 2019; 26(94): 113-130. [In Persian]
31- Doaei F; Ahanchian N; Bazrafshan Moghadam M. The effect of online advertising on the intention to buy online through brand awareness. Master Thesis, Hekmat Razavi Institute of Higher Education, 2018. [In Persian]
32- Hamidianpour F; Izadi H. The study of the effects of consumer perception of online retail ethics on brand equity. Management strategies, 2018; 15(11): 146-163. [In Persian]
33- Baqerzadeh S; Mousavi Kerchaei S A. Identifying the factors affecting online shopping and prioritizing them, Master Thesis, Islamic Azad University, Behshahr Branch, 2017. [In Persian]
34- Farahani Master F; Seyed Abrishami S E. Effectiveness model of shopping and online shopping features on urban travel demand, M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, 2017. [In Persian]
35- Karimi alavijeh M; Alitalab R. Investigation and analysis of website environmental cues on consumers’ purchase intention: The mediating role of internal states. New Marketing Research Journal, 2018; 7(4): 1-22. [In Persian]
36- Hosseini Abuali M. Investigating the moderating role of demographic variables on the perceived risks to adopt e-commerce in Iran agricultural sector. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, 2017; 48(3): 379-389. [In Persian]
37- Safari M; Soleimani M; Ghobadinia H. A conceptual model to explain ethical marketing in consumers’ willingness to buy through the internet according to the trust icon. Journal of Business Administration Researches, 2017; 9(18): 43-60. [In Persian]
38 Nejati A; Rahmani Z; Zamanian A. A study of factors affecting consumer behavior in online product purchase, Master Thesis, Adib Institute of Higher Education, Mazandaran, 2016. [In Persian]
39- Maadi M; Maadi M; Javidnia M. Identification of factors influencing building initial trust in e-commerce. Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 2016; 9(3): 483-503. [In Persian]
40- Maghsoudpour M. A study of barriers to the development of e-commerce in Iran, The third scientific conference on new findings of management, Entrepreneurship and Education in Iran, Tehran, 2016. [In Persian]
41- Jibril A B; Kwarteng M A; Pilik M; Botha E; Osakwe C N. Towards understanding the initial adoption of online retail stores in a low internet penetration context: An exploratory work in Ghana. Sustainability, 2020; 12(3): 854-873.
42- Silva J; Pinho J C; Soares A; Sá E. Antecedents of online purchase intention and behavior: uncovering unobserved heterogeneity. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2019; 20(1): 131-148.
43- Duartea P; Susana C S; Margarida B F. How convenient is it? Delivering online shopping convenience to enhance customer satisfaction and encourage e-WOM, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2018; 44: 161-169.
44- Izogo E E; Chanaka J. Online shopping experience in an emerging e-retailing market, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2018; 10 (2): 13-30.
45- Arora N; Aggarwal A. The role of perceived benefits in formation of online shopping attitude among women shoppers in India. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 2018; 7(1): 91-110.
46- Hsu C L; Chen M C; Kumar V. How social shopping retains customers? Capturing the essence of website quality and relationship quality. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2018; 29(1-2): 161-184.
47- Izogo E E. Jayawardhena C. Online shopping experience in an emerging e-retailing market. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2018; 12(2): 193-214.
48- Sanjeev P; Sai V; Chandan P. Effects of online shopping values and website cues on purchase behaviour: A study using S–O–R framework, The Journal for Decision Makers,2017; 42(1): 1-18.