Developing a Content Marketing Model for Online Cosmetic Shops
Subject Areas : Health information managementMaryam Ghaderifar 1 , jamshid salar 2 * , Aliakbar Aghajani afrouzi 3
1 - Ph.D. Candidate of Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Content marketing, Online cosmetic and health shops, Mixed Method,
Abstract :
Introduction: In today's modern world, the biggest change in the beauty industry since a decade ago has been the widespread penetration of social media into people's lives. One of the main reasons that a business succeeds in the field of selling cosmetics and hygiene products is that it produces correct and attractive content; therefore, the aim of the current research was to develop a content marketing model for online stores of cosmetics and health products based on a mixed approach. Methods: First, based on data base theory and based on interviews with 21 experts, open, central and selective production codes were presented, and then the content marketing model of online stores of cosmetics and health products was presented. In the qualitative phase of the research, which is based on the foundation's data approach, in-depth and semi-structured interviews were used. The sampling method in database theory is purposeful and theoretical sampling. In the interviews, the selected people were selected using a targeted method and snowball technique with maximum diversity. The interviewees included managers, experts, experts and professionals in the field of content management who had university education and were familiar with management sciences and were among the best in Mazandaran, Tehran and Gilan provinces. For the quantitative validation of the model and checking the relationships of the components, the approach of structural equation modeling by partial least squares method using SMART-PLS3 software has been used. Results: The results of the quantitative stage showed that the relationships in the model with appropriate effect coefficients were confirmed. The output of the model shows that the significance coefficient between the research hypotheses is out of the range of ±1.96 and this means that all research variables are confirmed at the 95% confidence level in the statistical sample. Conclusion: Proper planning and management by the business owners of the online stores of cosmetics and health products, as well as analyzing the behavior of the audience and optimizing and updating the websites and continuously monitoring the SEO statistics of the websites and online stores and being interactive with the audience are the main pillars of providing quality services.
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15- Baines, P., Fill, C. Marketing, 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2014
16- Chordas, Lori. Concentrating on Content: An A.M. Best webinar explores marketers’ used of insurance-centric content in their advertising and marketing campaigns. Best’s Review, 2018; 119(2): 34-37.
17- Chaurasiyan, H. A Study of Content Marketing Strategy in E-Commerce with Respect to B2C, 2020; 8(10).
18- Ahadi, Peri. Saberian, Fatemeh. A Comparative Study of the Impact of Using Content Marketing on Social Networks and Traditional Marketing on Consumer Behavior (Case Study: Life Insurance). Consumer Behavior Studies, 2021; 8(2): 200-215.
19- Vinerean, S. Content marketing strategy. Definition, objectives and tactics. Expert Journal of Marketing, 2017; 5(2).
20- Du Plessis, C. An exploratory analysis of essential elements of content marketing , in ECSM 2015 -Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media, Portugal, July 9-10, Academic Conferences Publisher International, 2015; 122-129.
21- Beets, L. M., & Handley, A. B2C content marketing 2019: Benchmarks, budgets, and trends. Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs. 12/b2c-research-commitment/.
22- Dhanesh, G. S., & Duthler, G. Relationship management through social media influencers: Effects of followers’ awareness of paid endorsement. Public Relations Review, 2019; 45(3): 101765.
23- Lee, H. "Web Design Methodology for Wordpress Site Based On Wordpress Theme Customization". The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2016; 16(2): 277- 286.
24- Eshiett, I., Eshiett, O., & Uwhubetine, G. Digital Content Marketing and Customer Loyalty in Nigerian University. Unilag Journal of Business, 2022; 8(1): 54-71.
25- Seyyedamiri, N. and Tajrobehkar, L. "Social content marketing, social media and product development process effectiveness in high-tech companies", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2021; 16(1): 75-91.
26- Mansouri Kermanshahi, A., Haghigi Kafash, M., Dehdashti, Z., Khalilnejad, Sh. Designing a model of marketing and sales strategies in the chain store industry. Journal of Strategic Management Studies, 2023; 14(53).
27- Karimi, M., majedi, N., Safaari, L., Kalhor, H. Designing a virtual business development model in the field of sports services. Journal of strategic studies of youth sports; 2022.
1- Bismo, A., Arbi Siti, R.H.M., Sutiyo, L. Segmentation analysis of Instagram Users Based on Preferences towards Forms and Tyoes of Online Marketing Content, international Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech); 2019: 22-27.
2- Seyyedamiri, N. and Tajrobehkar, L. "Social content marketing, social media and product development process effectiveness in high-tech companies", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2021; 16(1): 75-91.
3- Al-Gasawneh, J. Omar, K. Moderating role of content marketing on the relationship between perceived risk and the intention to online shopping. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2020; 98: 587-595.
4- Weman, E., Gummerus, J., Liljander, V., Pihlstro¨m, M. Customer engagement in a Facebook brand community. Journal Community Management Research Review, 2012; 35(9): 857-877.
5- Pulizzi, Joe. Content Marketing Takes a Turn for the Better: New 2017 Research. Downloaded March 13; 2018.
6- Chan, A., Astari, D. The analysis of content marketing in online fashion shops in Indonesia. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 2017; 6(2): 225.
14- Ansari, S., Ansari, G., Ghori, M., Kazi, A. (2019). The Impact of Brand Awareness and Social Media Content Marketing on Consumer Purchase Decision. Journal of Public Value and Administration Insights, 2019; 2: 5-10.
15- Baines, P., Fill, C. Marketing, 3rd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2014
16- Chordas, Lori. Concentrating on Content: An A.M. Best webinar explores marketers’ used of insurance-centric content in their advertising and marketing campaigns. Best’s Review, 2018; 119(2): 34-37.
17- Chaurasiyan, H. A Study of Content Marketing Strategy in E-Commerce with Respect to B2C, 2020; 8(10).
18- Ahadi, Peri. Saberian, Fatemeh. A Comparative Study of the Impact of Using Content Marketing on Social Networks and Traditional Marketing on Consumer Behavior (Case Study: Life Insurance). Consumer Behavior Studies, 2021; 8(2): 200-215.
19- Vinerean, S. Content marketing strategy. Definition, objectives and tactics. Expert Journal of Marketing, 2017; 5(2).
20- Du Plessis, C. An exploratory analysis of essential elements of content marketing , in ECSM 2015 -Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media, Portugal, July 9-10, Academic Conferences Publisher International, 2015; 122-129.
21- Beets, L. M., & Handley, A. B2C content marketing 2019: Benchmarks, budgets, and trends. Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs. 12/b2c-research-commitment/.
22- Dhanesh, G. S., & Duthler, G. Relationship management through social media influencers: Effects of followers’ awareness of paid endorsement. Public Relations Review, 2019; 45(3): 101765.
23- Lee, H. "Web Design Methodology for Wordpress Site Based On Wordpress Theme Customization". The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2016; 16(2): 277- 286.
24- Eshiett, I., Eshiett, O., & Uwhubetine, G. Digital Content Marketing and Customer Loyalty in Nigerian University. Unilag Journal of Business, 2022; 8(1): 54-71.
25- Seyyedamiri, N. and Tajrobehkar, L. "Social content marketing, social media and product development process effectiveness in high-tech companies", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2021; 16(1): 75-91.
26- Mansouri Kermanshahi, A., Haghigi Kafash, M., Dehdashti, Z., Khalilnejad, Sh. Designing a model of marketing and sales strategies in the chain store industry. Journal of Strategic Management Studies, 2023; 14(53).
27- Karimi, M., majedi, N., Safaari, L., Kalhor, H. Designing a virtual business development model in the field of sports services. Journal of strategic studies of youth sports; 2022.