Providing a Model of digital Entrepreneurship in the Field of Sports Medical Equipment According to the Grounded Theory Method
Subject Areas : Health information management
مهدی رستگاری
سید علیرضا موسوی
1 - Department of Sports Management, Firouzabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firouzabad, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Firouzabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firouzabad, Iran
Keywords: entrepreneurship, digital entrepreneurship, sports medical equipment,
Abstract :
Introduction: Digital entrepreneurship in the field of sports medicine equipment means the use of digital technologies and the Internet for the development of sports medicine business. Digital entrepreneurship is a fundamental driver in the innovation system. It changes the structure, objectives and networking mechanisms of the entire business system and finally affects the different levels and dimensions of the innovation system. The purpose of this article is to present a model of digital entrepreneurship in the field of sports medical equipment using the Grounded Theory method.
Methods: This research was conducted in 2024, which was a qualitative research in terms of its purpose, application and in terms of the method of collecting information.
The statistical community includes sports experts and the sample size was estimated with the theoretical saturation of 16 people using snowball sampling. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. The validity and reliability of the work were used by Goba and Lincoln's criteria. Max Kyoda 20 software was used for coding. To analyze the data, the systematic method of Strauss and Corbin was done with open, axial and selective coding.
Results: In this research, digital entrepreneurship was identified as a central category and its most important effective drivers include smart analysis, smart content, smart business, digital literacy, digital motivation, digital actors, digital entrepreneurship development, digital activity, technological capabilities, digital governance, Advanced data analysis.
Conclusion: The present research led to the presentation of a paradigm model called the model of digital entrepreneurship in the field of sports medical equipment.
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