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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Al-Sahīh min Sīra al-Nabīyy al-A‘zam: A New Approach to Life-Historiography
        محمد سپهری
        Although, due to some proofs, the life-historiography began too late, butalways the holy prophet’s biography has been noted by the Muslim.Compiling on this subject is still continuous.Dependence on some religion or school, also relying on some bases andcriteria, b More
        Although, due to some proofs, the life-historiography began too late, butalways the holy prophet’s biography has been noted by the Muslim.Compiling on this subject is still continuous.Dependence on some religion or school, also relying on some bases andcriteria, by the life-historiographers; and different destinations, approaches,principles and motivations created very various works on the life-style.One of new writings in the Seminary (Ḥawza) is a book entitled Al-Sahīhmin Sīra al-Nabīyy al-A‘zam by Sayyid Ja‘far Murtadā ‘Āmilī. Conveyingcharacter of the Messenger of Allah in the different resources, he studies thephenomenon of prohibition of narration and its role in deviation of thehistorical realities, and also currency of the fabricated traditions. Hedeliberates the role of the people of the Book who converted to Islam, andthe story-tellers. After description of the agitated principles and criteria incompiling life-styles, he presents some principles, rules and criteria for acorrect scientific research in this regard. Lastly he tries to present a truepicture of the Messenger of Allah’s life, based on the Shia and Sunni mainresources, in the field of exegesis, narration and history. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Thābit b. Sinān Ṣābī and the Tradition of Historiography in Islam
        فریبا پات
        Thābit b. Sinān Ṣābī is one of the historians that their works, despite beingused in several centuries, are not extant today; and for this reason their statusand importance are not so known
        Thābit b. Sinān Ṣābī is one of the historians that their works, despite beingused in several centuries, are not extant today; and for this reason their statusand importance are not so known Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Abū l-Hasan Alī b. Mahdī Māmatīrī a Traditionist and a Man of letters from 4th Century
        مصطفی معلّمی
        Abū l- Hasan Alī b. Mahdī al- Māmatīṛī was a unknown traditionist and aman of letter who lived in the forth centuryA.H. Recently a manuscript of hisbook named as Nuzhatُ l Absār va Mahāsinُ l- Āthār has been discovered andintroduced by an Iranian bibliographer. This More
        Abū l- Hasan Alī b. Mahdī al- Māmatīṛī was a unknown traditionist and aman of letter who lived in the forth centuryA.H. Recently a manuscript of hisbook named as Nuzhatُ l Absār va Mahāsinُ l- Āthār has been discovered andintroduced by an Iranian bibliographer. This article triest to introduceMāmatīrī and his works, especially Nuzhat l- Absār. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Reflection of History in Mahmūd Kāshgharī’s Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk
        سید مهدی جوادی
        Kāshgharī’s Dīwān focuses mostly on Turkish language and literature. Theauthor himself had a hand in governmental organization. The longintroduction of the work includes history of the Turks; Turkish accents;noticeable information regarding political, literal, soc More
        Kāshgharī’s Dīwān focuses mostly on Turkish language and literature. Theauthor himself had a hand in governmental organization. The longintroduction of the work includes history of the Turks; Turkish accents;noticeable information regarding political, literal, social, cultural history;historical geography and administrative terminology in 4th and 5th centuriesA.H. The writing posses some rare information, particularly regarding theTurks; the common ceremonies of the Islamic world’s residents; a coloured  Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Ibn Abī Zar‘ and Rawd al-Ḳirtās
        یونس فرهمند
        This article is a survey of one of the most important local historical books ofmaghrib especially in Marinid’s period, entitled al- Anīs al-Mutrib bi Rawdal-Ḳirtās fī Akhbār Mulūk al-Maghrib wa Ta’rīkh Madīna Fās.This article is to recognize the real aut More
        This article is a survey of one of the most important local historical books ofmaghrib especially in Marinid’s period, entitled al- Anīs al-Mutrib bi Rawdal-Ḳirtās fī Akhbār Mulūk al-Maghrib wa Ta’rīkh Madīna Fās.This article is to recognize the real author’s identity, considering differentviews regarding this questionable subject, and also to represent method ofcomposition, the style of writing, the author’s resources and status of thework among the same historical writings of Marinid’s era by revisingcontext of the book, and then comes to conclusion that ’Abulhasan b.Abdullā b. Abī Zar‘ was the author of at least the main part of the book or itsdraft. Since Marinids and Fez were brought under consideration, the workwas imbued with genealogy and flattery. Whereas the author used to live atthe age of Christian reconquest of Andalus, he recorded in a simple andfluent prose, valuable details of the event, especially the last wars betweenthe Muslim and Christian in Marinid’s era.Finally it should be pointed that the author took advantage of coins,epigraphs, written sources and his eye observations well, to interpret thehistorical matters. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - An introduction to Ibn Khaldūn’s Viewpoints on the Islamic Civilization Decline
        یوسف جعفرزاده
        Despite the whole ontological and epistemological paradigms which believethat the Essence and Attributes of God transcends this world andconsequently seek knowledge in metaphysics, Ibn Khaldūn as a TunisianMuslim philosopher and sage, in 8th century A.H., presents an in More
        Despite the whole ontological and epistemological paradigms which believethat the Essence and Attributes of God transcends this world andconsequently seek knowledge in metaphysics, Ibn Khaldūn as a TunisianMuslim philosopher and sage, in 8th century A.H., presents an interpretationof Islam religion that accordingly, despite the Divine Essence beingtranscendental, His Attributes as ‘Umrān (civilization) has an eternal processin society and history. Thus “knowledge” and “power” are symbols andfables of truth at society level.So he established a new paradigm by the name of ‘ilm al-‘Umrān (science ofcivilization). Because of Divine Presence and His Everlasting Creation insociety and history, through causes and effects, the paradigm is based onpost-essentialism. In this paradigm, the realm of intellectual activity, isneither mere matter nor absolute and abstract metaphysics, but anindeterminate and moderate realm between material and a supernatural one,in history.Islamic rationality and philosophy lagged behind the history, also the Islamiccivilization lost its fluidity and balance, because of rationality’sconcentration on “imperceptibly metaphysical-spiritual essence”, IbnKhaldūn thought. In this manner, the Islamic civilization was involved instiffness and deterioration. Therefore the Muslim’s material and spiritualimprovement require their epistemological attention to society and history,and at the same time keeping the balanced gap between truth-bestowingsociety and identity-bestowing social cohesion (asabiyya). According to histhought, in Islamic states, religion is the origin of this gap and a moderatelysocial structure. Nevertheless, in his thought development, determining ofruler’s will as the agent of fulfilling religion’s role in society, was replacewith “law” -that is based on intellect and narration. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Maikkarī and Nafh al-Tīb
        شهره روغنی
        Nafh al-Tīb is among the resources of the last days of Muslim Spain(Andalusia) that its author in his ultimate years of life literally portrayed thisland and its people in it. This book is neither a pure history nor abiographical dictionary; but somehow an encyclopedi More
        Nafh al-Tīb is among the resources of the last days of Muslim Spain(Andalusia) that its author in his ultimate years of life literally portrayed thisland and its people in it. This book is neither a pure history nor abiographical dictionary; but somehow an encyclopedia regarding history,literature and geography of Andalusia, and also biography of itspersonalities, from the beginning of the Islamic period to the decline ofGranada.This article conveyed Mikkarī’s biography and his most important work,Nafh al-Tīb, and also its historical and cultural value and importance.Because of requirements of the subject matter, some points of the culturaland social history of Maghrib and Andalusia were proponded. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Influence of the Safavid Sovereignty on Compiling the twelve Imam’s Life Style and Virtues
        غلام حسن حسین زاده شانه چی
        Since the 2nd century many books have been written about life style (sīra)and virtues (manākib) of the twelve Imams. Those books, quantitatively andqualitatively, have been under influence of the political and culturalcircumstances of their ages. Appearance of the Safa More
        Since the 2nd century many books have been written about life style (sīra)and virtues (manākib) of the twelve Imams. Those books, quantitatively andqualitatively, have been under influence of the political and culturalcircumstances of their ages. Appearance of the Safavids and then recognitionof Shia (as the formal doctrine), and the later cultural and political situationsinfluenced the mentioned works: first of all, on their increase. Many Shi’itereligious scholars and authors, because of more expression freedom, in thatage, composed many books relating to the life style and virtues of theImams.The Safavid kings, because of some political and religious proofs, directlyand indirectly, and even through issuing charter, supported and emphasizedon the expansion of Shia. The kings also in order to deepen Shi’ite thoughtsamong the public, paid attention to compiling Persian books or translating  Manuscript profile