• Attar.Saeed Are the Decline of Rationality and Lack of Break with the Foundations the Reason of Historical Backwardness? Review and Criticism of Javad Tabatabai’s Theory [ Vol.13, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1396]


  • Daneshyar.Morteza The Policy of Iranian Dynasties toward Old Sarakhs (916-1300/1510-1883) [ Vol.13, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1396]


  • farahmand.Younis Al-Bakrī’s al-Masālik wa’l-Mamālik: an Appraisal of his Reports about Iran [ Vol.13, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1396]
  • Farrokhi.yazdan The End of Sultan Jalal al-din Life [ Vol.13, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1396]


  • Nosrati.Sepideh A Critical Study on Patricia Crone’s Views as a Revisionist [ Vol.13, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1396]


  • Panjeh.Masoumali War, Peace and a Marriage: The Relationships between Tulūnid Ruler Khumārawayh (270-282 A. H.) and the Abbasid Caliphate [ Vol.13, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1396]


  • rezaeenasab.zahra Hafiz Abru’s Geography and Taqwim al-Buldan: A Comparative Survey [ Vol.13, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1396]
  • ruoholamini.babak The Punishment in Qajar Era (1210-1264 AH): The Case of Making Blind [ Vol.13, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1396]


  • SAIDI.MODARES Gog and Magog: Muslim Perception of their Location until The Mongol Era [ Vol.13, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1396]


  • taqavi.mohammad The Entry of Historical Narratives to Islamic Genealogy by the End of Third Century A.H: the Process and Motives [ Vol.13, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1396]