A Leftist Approach to the Socio-Political Developments of Contemporary Iran: The Views of Avatis Mikaelian (Sultanzadeh)
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
reza sedighi pashaki
Hossein Abadian
Bagher Ali Adelfar
Zekrollah Mohammadi
1 - PhD Student in the History of Islamic Iran, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Professor of History, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of History, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Department of History, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Keywords: left Historiography, Avatis Sultanzadeh, Jungle Movement, coupe 1299, Reza Shah,
Abstract :
The present article discusses the views of Avatis Mikaelian, known as Sultanzadeh, in relation to the developments of contemporary Iranian history. Sultanzadeh is one of the most famous figures of the communist left thinkers in Iran. His ideas played a major role in the strategy and orientation of the Communist Party of Iran from the beginning of its formation until long after the Second Congress. According to Sultanzadeh, the most important problem in Iran is the economic development. He considered the unity of triple factors as the obstacle to the natural process of growth: imperialism, court and feudalism. The method of this article is descriptive-analytical and the main question is what was the difference between Sultanzadeh's view and that of other communist left activists and Soviet academics on the historical process of contemporary Iran. Sultanzadeh tried to analyze and explain the history of Iran based on the internal and global realities of the country based on Marx's doctrines. Accordingly, his views on Iran's economic development, colonization, the jungle movement, and the rise to power of Reza Shah were obvious deviations from the Soviet Communist Party theorists who considered the process of societies to be linear.
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