The effect of sales force reputation on the dimensions of experiential value-added and customer behavior (Case study: Rossen Therapy Co.)
Subject Areas : Human Capital EmpowermentAli GHolipour soleimani 1 , Maryam Ghorbannejad 2 , Seyedeh Saeedeh Alamtalab Poshtiri 3 *
1 - Department of business administration,faculty of accounting and management,OSU Rasht
2 - faculty of Management & Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
3 - faculty of Management & Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
Keywords: Reputation, customer loyalty, Experiential value added,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sales force reputation on the dimensions of experiential value-added and customer behavior. The statistical population of the study consisted of customers of Rossen Therapy Co., 50 of whom had the highest volume of purchase and transaction with the company, were selected by non-probability and purposive method. A standard questionnaire was used to collect data. In order to analyze the data, partial least squares method and Smart PLS software were used. The results of the research showed that sales force reputation positively and significantly influences the dimensions of experiential value-added as well as the service excellent and the enjoyable interaction effects on customer loyalty and also the loyalty effects on the customer's share of wallet. Of course, the effect of the service excellent and enjoyable interaction on customer's share of wallet and the effect of economic value and service productivity on customer loyalty were not confirmed.
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