The calculation and evaluation of the human development index of the provinces of Iran in the years 2005, 2010, and 2015
Subject Areas : Human Capital Empowermenthossein askari pour lahiji 1 * , Reza OTofat shamsi 2
1 - PhD in economics at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
2 - Department of Accounting Dept. of Nonprofit Qadir Langrood
Keywords: Human Development Index, Life Expectancy at Birth, Mean Years of Schooling, GNI Per Capita,
Abstract :
Improving the human development index is the best mechanism for empowering people to achieve the goal of raising their living standards through human capabilities. Promoting the quality of the life of a community is a fundamental change in the economic, educational, and health variables. The present study seeks to examine the status of the provinces of the country in terms of the human development index for the years 2005, 2010, and 2015? The method of this research is descriptive-analytic and is an applied research type. The average human development index for provinces for 2005, 2010, and 2015 is 0.660, 0.650, and 0.627 respectively. Provinces that have a favorable status in the human development index are often located in the center of the country. Overall, the human development index decreases as the center of the country reaches the border regions. It should be noted that the provincial education index is the strong point of the human development index of the provinces. In sum, there is a strong inequality between the provinces of the country and this inequality in the index of economic well being is more than two indicators of education and health. The findings of this research show that provinces with low human development index are consistent with the border provinces of the country.
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