Components and indicators of career path in Sanad organization
Subject Areas :
Human Capital Empowerment
Mohammad Nasrollahi
1 - Organiztion Manager
Received: 2019-11-29
Accepted : 2020-02-01
Published : 2020-05-21
Human Capital,
Career planning,
Career path,
Abstract :
Today, the development of organizations in competition and survival requires human capital. Therefore, the career path plays an important role in maintaining, maintaining and growing such capital; this path indicates a series of successive positions in the job or organization and is formed based on the interests, competencies and values of the individual and changes in the work environment. In this regard, the aim of this study is to identify its components, indicators and priorities in the career path. To identify this, we first used the Delphi method with the help of 20 academic and organizational experts. Then, in the re-examination of variables, all officials and managers in the field of human capital of the organization studied in Tehran province with a targeted method were selected by 141 people through Cochran's relationship and the variables were confirmed at the level of validity and reliability (0.984). The descriptive-survey research method was performed with a deductive approach and a questionnaire tool. The results show that the 23 components and 55 indicators directly and indirectly affect the career path.
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