Identification & Analysis of Factors Influencing Educational Strategies Case Study: National Iranian Petrochemical Company
Subject Areas : Human Capital Empowerment
1 - تهران، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات
Keywords: Competitive Advantage, education, Education Strategy, Business Plan,
Abstract :
This research seeks to identify and analyze the factors that may influence educational strategy National Iranian Petrochemical Company. It is an applied research which uses descriptive- correlation method. Study on the strategy and human resources of the organization as well as having conducted interviews with directors and professionals allowed us to identify eight factors: ‘management, structure, culture, environmental factors, human resources, strategic program, organizational resources and change management’. This finding helped us make questionnaires in order to verify results. Cronbach alpha was used to test reliability it turned out to be 0.86 which is satisfactory. Our statistical population was formed by 146 directors and experts working for Center for Studies and Strategic Planning, specifically in such units as Research and Development, Transactions & Marketing, Quality, Human Resources, Production & Technical Services. Since the number was not beyond control, the questionnaires were distributed among essentially all members of the statistical population. SPSS win 18 was used to analysis data. For this purpose, exploratory factor analysis method was used as a both multivariate and dependent method. Results indicate that the above-mentioned eight factors being identified by this study account for nearly 88 percent of all influences that may be exerted on the organization’s educational strategies. This persuades us that these factors have a remarkable effect in the said strategy.
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