Title: Analyzing reza shah encounter with religoin issue and searchikg his behavior with spiritualty
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)Mehrab Hatami 1 * , Manizheh Sadri 2 , Simin Fasihi 3 , nazli Eskandari Nezhad 4
1 - PhD student of history Islamic Azad University, Shabestar , Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of History Islamic Azad University, Shabestar , Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of History Alzahra University, Tehran , Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of History Islamic Azad University, Shabestar , Iran
Keywords: Reza Shah, Key words: spiritualties, modernes, Ardeshir chi, Ayat allah bafghi, Islamic legislative assembly,
Abstract :
AbstractAfter the coup and accessing sultane, Reza shah at least apparently showed areligious behavior. But his behavior change from 1306 and gradually showedseverity against some religious ceremonies and spiritualties' actions. Rezashah, influenced by his counterpart ataturk, considered religious anddenomination as a barrier for revival and modernization and desired building amodern iran by modernization in army, administration system , Law system,and education and even conseration organization and renewing power andcourt structures in which religion and spiritualty had a loe function. Is Rezashah encountered uniformally with religion and religious ulens or hid behaviorhas change during years? It can only be judged that for any reason in earlyyears of Reza shah sultanate, religion has been important and spiritualty hasbeen respectabke but gradually hus behavioe is influenced by his powerseeking behavior. Current study wants to answer this question in fact whyReza shah change his religious trend why he didn't continue that but also hechange toward contrasting with a descriptive-analytic procedure considerschallenges between spiritualties and Reza shah and reason of the contrastbetween these two wings.