The origins and contexts of Reza Shah's contractionary policy towards the nomads
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)
Hedayat Seid Khani,
Gholamhossein Zargarinejad
sina forozesh
1 - PhD student of Iranian Islamic history, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor of History Department, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - associate professor , .science and research department, islamic azad university , tehran , iran
Keywords: Reza Shah, First Pahlavi, Disarmament, Ilat and Nomads, settlement of nomads,
Abstract :
After Reza Shah came to power, in a series of measures, he tried to limit the tribes and nomads and suppress their power in different ways; Among the policies that were used to suppress the tribes and nomads were the disarmament and forced resettlement of the tribes and tribes. The problem of the present research is, what were the roots and grounds of Reza Shah's contractionary and restrictive policies towards the nomads, and were these measures done out of necessity or were they just vengeful revenge?The research method in this article will be historical (inductive) and the method of collecting information is document and library, which will be used to describe and analyze the material.The findings of this research show that factors such as: gaining power of some tribes after the constitutional events and asking for a share of power, the accumulation of weapons especially after the First World War in the hands of tribes and tribes and the resulting threats, provocations by foreign countries and border threats, Refusal of elots and nomads from paying taxes in the chaotic situation after the constitution and the desire and support of intellectuals and the press can be seen as the implementation of nomadic policies of the first Pahlavi government.