The Application of Microwave to Improve the Quality and Reduce the Frying Time of Zucchini Slices
Subject Areas : Tech
Fakhreddin Salehi
Mostafa Amiri
Sara Ghazvineh
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Food Industry, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
2 - BSc Student, Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Food Industry, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
3 - BSc Student, Department of Food Science and Technology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
Keywords: Hardness, Moisture Content, Oil Absorption, Sensory Properties, Surface Area,
Abstract :
Introduction: Drying of potato slices before frying significantly reduces the oil uptake by the product. In this research, the effect of microwave pretreatment on the frying time, oil absorption, color indexes, and sensory properties of fried zucchini slices was investigated.
Materials and Methods: In order to apply pretreatment, the zucchini slices with a thickness of 1 cm were placed inside the microwave (power=440 W) for 0, 1, 2 and 3 min. The treated slices were fried by a fryer at a temperature of 160°C. In this research, the frying time, moisture content, oil absorption, hardness, color parameters, color change index, surface area changes, and sensory properties of samples were measured.
Results: The use of microwave pretreatment decreased the frying time, moisture content, and oil absorption of zucchini slices. The frying time of zucchini slices treated by microwave for 0, 1, 2, and 3 min was 147.3, 125.0, 112.0, and 91.3 seconds, respectively. The texture hardness of fried zucchini slices decreased with increasing microwave treatment time. After 3 min of microwave treatment, the lightness and greenness indexes decreased from 77.46 to 75.03, and from -3.72 to -1.07 (p>0.05), respectively, and the yellowness index also increased significantly from 33.09 to 41.13 (p<0.05). In terms of appearance, odor, texture and taste acceptance scores, as well as overall acceptance, the product pretreated with microwave for 3 min had the highest score.
Conclusion: Treating zucchini slices with the microwaves for 3 min shortened the frying time, reduced oil absorption, and increased sensory acceptability of product.
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