Feasibility of Preparing Functional Cream cheese Using Alginic acid and Investigating Some of Its Chemical, Microbial, and Sensory properties
Subject Areas : Dail
shahrokh shabani
Fatemeh Malamiri Kojouri
Hossein Bakhoda
1 - Academic Member of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: alginic acid, obesity, cream cheese, Functional , Sensory properties,
Abstract :
Introduction : Alginic acid has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties and can improve the shelf life of food systems. Alginic acid has a medicinal role in the metabolic management of disorders such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases, and it is also effective in weight loss and prevents obesity by removing fat and preventing its absorption in the body. By adding alginic acid to cream cheese, a Functional product was prepared. Materials and methods : In this research, according to the statistical design of Design-Expert version 13, cream cheese treated with different percentages of alginic acid during the 60-day storage time in the Refrigerator (5±1 Degrees Celsius) were examined for physical, chemical, Thiobarbituric acid test, mold, and yeast counting and sensory tests. The sensory test of the samples was analyzed with the five-point hedonic test and the SPSS version 24 statistical program. Results : The results showed that with the increase of alginic acid as well as the 60-day storage time in the Refrigerator (5+1 Degrees Celsius), the amount of dry matter and acidity increased significantly(P 0.05). The statistical results of the sensory test showed that with the increase of alginic acid, the tissue e becomes softer, but the general acceptability and odor characteristics Treatments did not have significant differences (P>0.05). Conclusion : By adding the alginic acid to the cream cheese, a Functional cheese was prepared, which did not change in its acceptability, and the oxidative damage also decreased in the samples with it.
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