The Violability of Obligations in Smart Contracts and Guaranteeing its Possible Execution
Subject Areas :
Rahim Mokhtari
1 - دستیار آموزش
2 - Supreme Council of Islamic Azad University, Shiraz branch
Keywords: Smart contract, violation of commitment, execution guarantee, self-execution,
Abstract :
With the emergence of blockchain platform smart contracts and the amazing features of this technology in the execution of contractual obligations, many experts in this field held that due to the self-executing structure of smart contracts in the implementation of obligations, these contracts will put an end to the violation of obligations in the field of contracts. However, the passage of time indicated that this vision was beyond the current capabilities of smart contracts. In fact, smart contracts may significantly reduce the dispute, though it is unlikely that the dispute will be completely eliminated. Therefore, the importance and role of guaranteeing contract violation executions is also raised in smart contracts. However, it seems that there is no guarantee of contractual execution in the smart contract, such as price reduction or lien. Obviously, based on the principle of immutability governing the blockchain, in order to apply any executive guarantee in the smart contract, that executive guarantee must be coded in the smart contract in advance. Then it will be the turn to apply this execution guarantee. The smart contract basically implements and applies this execution guarantee by itself or by connecting to legal intermediaries and applying their opinions in two ways, namely, direct and indirect ways.
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