Structural Equation Modelling of the Relationship Between EFL Learners'''' Language Mindset and Individual Attributes: The Case of Self-efficacy, Autonomy, Critical Thinking
Subject Areas :Samira Soltani 1 , Fariba Rahimi Esfahani 2 * , Sajad Shafiee 3
1 - English Department, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
2 - English Department, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
3 - English Department, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
Keywords: Self-efficacy, critical thinking, Language Mindset, Learner''s Autonomy,
Abstract :
This study aimed at exploring a host of objectives: it examined whether self-efficacy, learner autonomy, and critical thinking play a significant part in predicting EFL learners'' language mindset. Moreover, it inspected the direct and indirect relationships among all the above-mentioned variables. To achieve these purposes, a correlational survey design was used; survey questionnaires (Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), Learner Autonomy Questionnaire, California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST), and Language Mindsets Inventory (LMI) were administered to more than 700 male and female intermediate EFL learners selected through convenient sampling from several language institutes in Isfahan, Iran, and the required data were collected and statistically analyzed by path analysis in the SmartPLS environment. The obtained results showed that all the variables are partially related to language mindset. However, the significant relationship with mindset was that of self-efficacy. This finding has useful implications for language teachers. Growth mindsets must be captured and modeled by them for the proper implementation of mindset interventions so that learners can understand their flexible capacities as a reflection of their efforts. They can also develop attitudes and behaviors in the learner that will help them succeed in life. Learners who undergo a growth mindset intervention to increase self-efficacy will benefit from greater academic success and commitment to learning.
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