Department of Educational Foundations and Humanities Faculty of Education Department of Educational Foundations and Humanities Faculty of Education
Scientific Information

Dr. Zaharah Hussin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Foundation and Humanities, Faculty of
Education, University Malaya (UM) born in Kedah. Prior to that, she was a secondary school teacher, SLAB tutor, lecturer
and senior lecturer at UM. She is also a person who is also entrusted with administrative duties at UM since she started
working as a lecturer in 1997 until now, starting from as the coordinator of Teaching Training, Head of Department and is
now the Deputy Dean (Higher Degree) in her Faculty. Her academic expertise is in the 􀀂eld of teacher training and
educational research especially Islamic Education, Curriculum, Values and Akhlak Education, content analysis, Delphi
techniques in research, model development and qualitative research in general. Dr. Zaharah is also active in publishing
articles in national and international journals, academic books and presentations in conferences and webinars. Her book
published by UM publisher entitled Akhlak Education: Curriculum Analysis and Design was awarded the National Book
Award 2018 Education category by the National Book Development Foundation in conjunction with the Book Fair 2018. He
has also contributed teachers, researchers and experts particularly in Islamic Education 􀀂eld locally and internationally