Investigating the Changes inThermal Conditions of Residential Buildings in the Second Half of Ghajarid Era with Reference to Performance Approach
Subject Areas : environmental managementEhsan Zamani 1 * , Aryan Amirkhani 2 , Hadis Amanolah Baharvandi 3 , Mohammad Reza Bemanian 4
1 - PhD Department of Architecture Faculty of Art, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.
* ( Corresponding Author)
2 - - PhD Department of Architecture Faculty of Art, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.
3 - MSc graduate, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Tehran Markazi, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Professor, Department of Architecture Faculty of Art, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Thermal conditions, Residential buildings, Ghajarid Era, Heat transmission coefficient,
Abstract :
This paper investigates the changes in the thermal conditions of residential buildings in the 3rd and 4th quarters of Ghajarid Era. This study specifically aims to address the answers for the following questions: 1) Is there a meaningful difference in the thermal conditions of residential buildings in the last 80 years of Ghajarid Era? 2) Do the possible changes of thermal conditions depend on the period in which the buildings are constructed? And is there a correlative connection between the above factors? 3) Does the apparent architectural agitation of the second half of Ghajarid Era affect the thermal conditions of residential constructions as well? Method: In order to achieve the answers, thermal conditions of 60 residential buildings, picked equally from the Kashan, Esfehan and Yazd provinces, were examined. Distribution of the buildings in the 3rd and 4th quarters of Ghajarid Era was considered for each province as well. The research method for calculating the thermal conditions of the buildings was the "performance approach". The outputs considering PResults: Results show a meaningful decrease in the amount of the following thermal quantities: (H/A, G, H/H^) in the last 40 years of Ghajarid Era. These results suggest that the thermal condition of residential buildings in the 3rd quarter of Ghajarid Era was worse than the last quarter.
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