Seasonal Habitat Use by Isfahan Wild Sheep (Ovis oOrientalis Isphahanica) in Ghamishlou National Park
Subject Areas : environmental managementZahra Taki 1 * , Mahmoud Reza Hemami 2 , Mahmoud Karami 3 , Afshin Alizadeh 4
1 - Graduated Master of Engineering Natural Resources - Environment, School of Environment and Energy, University of Science and Research Branch of Tehran, Iran. * ( Corresponding Author)
2 - - Associate Professor Department of Environment Department of Natural Resources, University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Profesor Department of Environmental Sciences of Natural Resources, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - - Assistant Professor Department of Environment Department of Natural Resources, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: wild sheep, habitat use, pellet group count, Ghamishlou National Park,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Wild sheep (Ovis orientalis) is a threatened (VU10) species living in mountainous areas of Iran. Very little is known about habitat associations of wild sheep as a prerequisite for conservation planning. We studied habitat associations and seasonal pattern of habitat use by wild sheep over a complete year in Ghemashlou National Park. Methods: The existing vegetation types within the park were considered as different habitats for wild sheep and their structure were quantified. Wild sheep pellet group density as well as habitat variables including vegetation types, percentage cover of dominant bush species, and EC, SP and pH of the soil were quantified within the permanent strip transects. General Linear Models (GLMs) were used to relate habitat variables to pellet group density. Results: Use of habitats was not significantly different in none of the studied periods except in spring. In this season, wild sheep had significantly used Astragalus-Scariola more than Artemisia vegetation type. Conclusion: In addition, wild sheep had used areas with steeper slopes in spring and areas with higher EC in autumn.
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