Measuring Concentration of Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, Hg) in Tissue of Liza Saliens and Risk Assessment Associated with its Use (Case Study: Coastal Waters of the Caspian Sea)
Subject Areas : Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)Zahra Mehri Asiabar 1 , Lobat Taghavi 2 * , Tooraj Valinassab 3 , Reza Pourgholam 4
1 - M.Sc. in Environmental Science, Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran , Iran. * ( Corresponding Author)
3 - Tarbiat Modarres University, Professor and Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Iran.
4 - Head of the Institute of the Caspian Sea Aquatic Animals Ecology in Sari, and Faculty Member of Iranian Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Iran.
Keywords: Heavy Metals, Caspian Sea, Liza Saliens, Daily Intake (DI), Hazard Quotient (HQ),
Abstract :
Background and Objective: This study aimed to investigate the concentration of three heavy metals of Cd, Pb and Hg in tissue of Liza saliens in the southern Caspian Sea (Mazandaran Province) in 2013. It also attemts ro estimate the risks associated with its use by human. Method: The samples (32 specimens) were prepared under standard conditions; and after preparation process, the measurements were done using atomic absorption. Results: The results revealed that the mean ± SD of Pb and Hg in muscle tissue of grey mullet were 5.72903 ± 2.9606 and 79.01561 ± 44.9456 mg/kg of dry weight, respectively. The Daily Intake (DI) for Pb, Cd and Hg were 100.46, 0.06 and 1525.26 mg/day per person, respectively and Hazard Quotients (HQs) were measured to be 0.1607, 1.000, and 6.4200. Conclusion: After comparing the standards, it was observed that the amount of lead in muscle of mullet narrow snout at central coast of the Caspian Sea was above the standard suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK (UKMAFF). However, this amount was permissible according to the standards of the United Sate’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The amount of mercury in this study was much higher than the three standard indexes mentioned. As a result, the acceptable level of Pb and Cd intake for good health is recommended to be 0/591 and 38/889 g per day and 4/179 and 272/223 g per week. The allowable level of Hg consumption for maintaining health is zero and, therefore, it is not recommended for consumption.
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