Analyzing the Impacts of Climate Change on Human Rights
Subject Areas : environmental management
Behnoush Khoshmanesh zadeh
Abbas Poorhashemi
Mohammad Soltanieh
Davoud Hermidas Bavand
1 - Department of Environmental Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Parand, Iran
2 - Department of Environmental Law, Science and Research Centre, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Energy and Environment, Science and Research Centre, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of environmental Law, Science and Research Centre, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
Keywords: Human right, Climate Change, Disaster, Security,
Abstract :
dramatic effect on poor and it has marginalized people all over the world, reinforcing existing vulnerabilities and deepening inequalities. The populations, whose rights are poorly protected, are likely to be less equipped to adapt to climate change effects. Climate change and human rights are further intertwined because of the potential climate change and it exacerbates existing threats to International human right laws. Also it is well placed to address that challenge and highlights some of the human and equity dimensions of climate change. The introduction provides an overview of human rights concerns raised by climate change. Material and Methods: Method is aLegal analysis and descriptive manner. Many of the content of the documents describe the content of human rights and the UN Security Council. Results and Discussion: This Paper lays out some of the legal questions that are implicated in the emerging debate on climate change and human rights and suggests ways which international human right laws could be approached in order to promote clarity in the discourse of human rights and climate change. In this work some strategies have been proposed for dealing with these existing gaps. It is expected that analyzing these gaps and determining the international community duties and commitments (governments and international organizations) can result an efficient management of this crisis and prevent the outbreak of chaos across the globe
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