Evaluating the Effect of Deforestation on the Runoff- Peak by KINFIL Model (Case study: Sepidroud catchment)
Subject Areas : environmental management
Alireza Mardookhpour
Leila Ooshaksaraie
1 - - Associate professor, Ph.d. Department of civil engineering Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor Ph.d. Department of environmental engineering, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan Iran
Keywords: KINFIL model, runoff peak, GIS, deforestation,
Abstract :
Introdouction: KINFIL rainfall-runoff model has been used for the reconstruction of the rainfall runoff events in agricultural land use. Method: The implementation of the KINFIL model supported by GIS proved to be a proper method for the flood runoff assessment on Sepidroud catchments (north of Iran), during different scenarios of the rainfall events. Results: The results show when the observed discharge peak was 2.25 m**3/s, the computed discharge by the KINFIL model predicted 2.4 m**3/s (about 7% errors) and when the observed discharge peak was 1.9 m**3/s, the computed discharge by the KINFIL model predicted 1.8 m**3/s (about 5% errors) .Also, the KINFIL model may be used for the catchment management, including the investigation of deforestation on predict flood runoff assessment with a significant precision. The results showed when deforestation reaches 10% of total primitive areas in Sepidroud basin, the runoff-peak may increase more than 14.5 times
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