Determination of Malachite Green in the Effluent Wastewater and Fish Tissues of Fish Farms in Chahar- Mahal and Bakhtiari Province
Subject Areas : environmental managementAbbas Khodabakhshi 1 * , Mohammad Mahdi Amin 2 , Marzieh Vahid Dastjerdi 3 , Mohammad Ghasemiyan 4 , Afshin Ebrahimi 5
1 - Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Group, Faculty of Health, Medical Sciences of Shahrekord, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Centre of Research of Environment, Group of Environmental Health Engineers, Faculty
of Health, Medical Sciences of Isfahan, Iran
3 - MSc. Environmental Health Group, Faculty of Health, Medical Sciences of Isfahan, Iran
4 - MSc. Environmental Health Group, Faculty of Health, Medical Sciences of Isfahan, Iran
5 - Associate Professor, Centre of Research of Environment, Group of Environmental Health Engineers, Faculty
of Health, Medical Sciences of Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: malachite green, Fish farm, Liquid chromatography mass spe, Trout tissue, effluent,
Abstract :
One of the recent environmental problems is the presence of toxic, resistant and potentiallycarcinogenic compounds such as Malachite Green (MG) in effluent wastewater and fish tissues of fishfarms. The aim of this research is the measurement of MG in the effluent wastewater and fish tissuesof fish farms in Chahar- Mahal and Bakhtiari province.In this descriptive cross-sectional study, from total of 50 fish farms, five farms were selected fromthree categories of large, medium, and small scales of fish farms, based on fish production capacity.During three months, effluent wastewater and fish tissue samples were taken monthly and wereanalyzed to detect MG after preparation of the samples. MG analysis was done through Cloud PointExtraction method for effluents samples and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS)method for fish tissue samples.The results of this study showed MG concentration in the fish tissue of fish farms, No.: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and 6 were 1.6, 0.27, 0.26, 0.45, 0.28, 0.32 mg/kg, respectively. MG concentration in the effluent fishfarms were in the range of 5.7 - 273 ng/l.MG concentrations in the fish tissue in this study area are more than some of international standardssuch as Australia criteria of 0.03 mg/ kg for MG that shows the widespread use of MG in the fish1- Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Group, Faculty of Health, Medical Sciences of Shahrekord, Iran2- Associate Professor, Centre of Research of Environment, Group of Environmental Health Engineers, Facultyof Health, Medical Sciences of Isfahan, Iran3- MSc. Environmental Health Group, Faculty of Health, Medical Sciences of Isfahan, Iran4- Associate Professor, Centre of Research of Environment, Group of Environmental Health Engineers, Facultyof Health, Medical Sciences of Isfahan, Iran5- Associate Professor, Centre of Research of Environment, Group of Environmental Health Engineers, Facultyof Health, Medical Sciences of Isfahan, IranJ.Env.Sci,TechJ.Env. Sci. Tech., Vol 16, No.4, Winter 2015213farms of this study area. However, the concentration of MG in the effluent of fish farms was less thanEuropean standards (Ireland) of 100μg/l. Therefore, because of carcinogenic effects of MG on humanand aquatic life, health and fisheries authorities should take serious measures to prevent the using ofMG, and they must try to use safe alternative materials.
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