Site selection and prioritization of the areas appropriatie for floodwater spreading using GIS and AHP (Case study: Gorganrud river basin, Golestan)
Subject Areas : environmental managementMojgansadat Azimi 1 * , Gholamreza Rahbar 2 , Shahrouz Mansouri 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Rangeland Management, Faculty of Rangeland and Watershed Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
2 - Faculty member of Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Gorgan, Iran.
3 - MSc Graduate, Faculty of Rangeland and Watershed Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
Keywords: Rangeland mangement, floodwater spreading, AHP, BOOLEAN,
Abstract :
Abstract Background and Objective: Rangelands are very important in country economy in terms of grazing livestock, soil and water conservation and other services to the community. Therefore, systematical and careful management of these lands is necessary. Rangelands of Golestan province were one of the best rangelands of Iran in the past. However, high rate of population growth and sever dependence of the population to natural resources and rangelands caused plant coverage degradation. Floodwater spreading is one of the corrective practices that can be performed with certain goal in the rangelands. Site selection and prioritization of the areas suitable for floodwater spreading and infiltration of flood into the groundwater table are among the most important stages of these projects. Method: GIS and AHP model have been introduced as a suitable method for site selection of the areas appropriate for floodwater spreading system in the Gorgan Rud watershed. In this the Boolean scouring method with two values was used and compared with AHP method. Findings: Initially, the unsuitable areas were determined by AHP method. Then the remaining options derived from model results based on the comments. By site selection, the suitable areas were identified and the obtained inconsistency factor (0.08) proved that criteria weighing for locating the suitable areas for floodwater spreading is correct. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this study also showed that the areas suggested for floodwater spreading are near the wells and springs, especially in the north and north-west of the watershed. Results showed that investigation of natural factors and constraints based on the Boolean method was not suitable for locating the appropriate areas for floodwater spreading in Gorganrud watershed.
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1- Badripour, H., Eskandari, N and Rezaee, S. (2007). Review on Iran rangeland. Forest, Range and Watershed management organization. 105pp. (In Persian)
2- Azkia, M and Jafari, M. (2005). Dynamic Model designing of Sustainable management of rangeland ecosystem of country. Tehran University and Forest, Range and Watershed management organization.160pp. (In Persian)
3- Arzani, H., Azarnivand, H., Mehrabi, A., Nikkhah, A and FazelDehkordi, L. (2007). Calculation of minimum suitable area for grazing in Semnan province. Journal of Pejouhesh and Sazandgi. 74: 107-113. (In Persian)
4- Eskandari, N., Alizadeh, A and Mahdavi, F. (2008). Range management policies in Iran. Forest, Range and Watershed management organization.190pp. (In Persian)
5- Mesdaghi, M. (2009). Range management in Iran. Astane Ghods Razavi, 333pp. (In Persian)
6- Setayeshgar, F. Setayeshgar, F. (2014). News Report. Flood Management Plan in Golestan, Khorasan Newspaper. No. 18790. (In Persian)
7- Nikqouch.E and Heydarian, A. (2013). Investigation and management analysis of large floods of Gorganrood watershed in Golestan province. Proceeding of National Conference of flood management. 111p. (In Persian)
8- Anon. (2009). Integrated plan flooding of Golestan Province. Golestan Regional Water Company. 115pp. (In Persian)
9- Kowsar, A. (1995). Introduction to harness floods and optimal productivity. Iran research institute of forest and rangeland. 450pp. (In Persian)
10- Malekian, A., Alipour. H., Khirkhah Zarkesh, M. and Gharegchelou. S. (2012). The using of AHP in locating spreading. The first conference on rainwater catchment system. (In Persian)
11- Starr, M. K., and M. Zeleny (1977)."MCDM: State and future of arts. In: M. K. Starr and M. Zeleny (eds.), Multiple criteria decision making". Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp.5-29.
12- Al-Hanbali, A., Alsaaidh, B., and Kondoh, A. (2011)."Using GIS-Based weighted linear combination analysis and remote sensing techniques to select optimum solid waste disposal sites within Mafraq city, Jordan". Journal of Geographic Information System, 2011, )3(: 267-278
13- Paliska, D., Cop, R., Fabjan, D. (2010).”The Use of GIS-Based spatial multi-criteria evaluation in the selection process for the New Slovenia Geomagnetic observatory site”. Original Scientific article UDC 659.2:004:550.380.2(497.4)
14- Chabok Boldaji, M., Hasanzadeh, M. and Ebrahimi, Z. (2010). The using of AHP in floodwater spreading spreading locating of Eshghabad watershed in Tabas. Journal of watershed management. 13(4): 31-38. (In Persian)
15- Faraji Sabokbar, H., Hasanpour, s., Alavipanah, K and Elyaspour, S. (2011). Uuitable areas locating of floodwater spreading using AHP in GIS field, case study, Gareh Baygan plain Watershed, Fasa, Shiraz. Journal of Natural Geographical. 4(14): 13-25. (In Persian)
16- Alesheikh, A.A., Soltani, M.J., Nouri, N. and Khalilizadeh, M. 2008. Land assessment for flood spreading site selection using geospatial information system. Interna. Journal. Environmental Science and Technology. 5(4):455-462.
17- Jamali, A., Ashuri, P and Zarekia, S. (2010). Determination and prioritization of suitable floodwater spreading zones for recharge Qanats, wells and springs in arid Regions (Case study: Miankouh watershed of Yazd), Journal of rangeland and Desert. 17(1): 106-114. (In Persian)
18- Ansari, V. (2006). Technical criteria rangeland restoration projects. Forest, Range and Watershed management organization. 119ppSaaty, T. L. 1986. Axiomatic Foundation of The Analytic Hierarchy Process, Management Science, 32(7):32-43. (In Persian)
19- Vahabi, J. (2003). Analysis of floodwater spreading system and introducing research priority. Journal of Pejouhesh and Sazandgi. No. 60, 22-29. (In Persian)
20- Dadrasi Sabzevar, A. and Khosrowshahi, M. 2008. Identification of suitable areas for floodwater spreading areas by using of conceptual models. Scientific and Research Journal of range and desert. 15(2): 227-241. (In Persian)