Developing Sustainability Indicators of Greenways Network
Based on Landscape Ecology Principles
Subject Areas :
environmental management
Shahindokht Barghjelveh
Naghmeh Mobarghaee Dinan
1 - Assistant Professor, of Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University.
2 - Assistant Professor, of Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University
Received: 2010-06-29
Accepted : 2010-11-03
Published : 2013-03-21
Landscape Ecology,
Landscapes networking,
Greenways networking,
Abstract :
AbstractThis study examines the process of developing sustainability indicators for urban greenwaysnetworking process according to the principles of landscape ecology. The ecological approach towardsgreenways networking process is capable of providing a conceptual theory and has a multitude ofdifferent aspects that can be studied in mega-urban, urban, and sub-urban scales. The purpose of thisstudy is not only to examine the principles of ecological approach, but also to explore the urban needsto provide green zones and leisure areas for citizens. This paper focuses on the relationship between“structure” and “function” which has a key role in this study.Based on the comparative-analytical research method, new ecological principles are provided for theprocess of planning sustainable urban green zones. Traditional indicators for qualitative evaluation ofgreen zones are not only inadequate for determining the structural value of green zones, but are alsoincapable of expressing their diverse ecological benefits. New ecological criteria provide a betteropportunity to evaluate and qualify greenways networking process and to raise the process oflandscapes networking.
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