Zinc Accumulation Potential in One Year Old Seedlings of Ornamental Palm
Subject Areas : environmental managementAli Mahdavi 1 * , Khadijeh Khermandar 2
1 - Assistant Professor Dept. of Forest & Rangeland, Faculty of Agriculture, Ilam University
2 - M.Sc. in combat to desertification, Faculty of Agriculture, Ilam University
Keywords: Phytoremediation, Zinc, Ornamental Palm, Morphological and Physiologica,
Abstract :
Aim & back ground: Nowadays, one of the major issues in the world is cleaning up soilscontaminated with inorganic pollutants. Phytoremediation is one of the methods that due to economicreasons and environmental friendly action which attracted much attention in recent decades.The aim of this study: To assess the potential Zn accumulation in different parts of ornamental palm.Method: In this study one year old ornamental palm seedlings in a randomized design with threerepetition, were exposed to ZnSO4 in 4 different concentrations: 0, 50, 250 and 500 (mg Zn2+ L-1) for45 days. Subsequently Zn2+ uptake was quantified in roots, shoots and leaves of the seedlings byAtomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). In addition, some morphological and physiologicalparameters such as biomass production, shoots and roots length, plant appearance and some otherelements were measured.Results: The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the traits such as fresh and dryweight tolerance value, collar diameter, plant height, tolerance stress, index of plant resistance,relative water content and deficiency saturated absorption cell, had been significantly effected by Zinctreatments. The results also showed that ornamental Palm seedlings have the ability to accumulatezinc manifold in roots than shoots and leaves. In addition, the species has the coefficients of bioaccumulatemore and transport factors less than one unit.Conclusion: Based on these results, we can recommend the ornamental Palm as stabilizer species forthe cleanup of contaminated soils with zinc heavy metal.
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