Study of Plant Biodiversity in West of Oshtorankooh region, Lorestan
Subject Areas : environmental management
Sara Abasi
Babak Pilevar
seyed mohsen Hosseini
1 - Student, Department of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Khozestan. I.R.Iran
2 - Scientific member of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lorestan ,I.R.Iran
3 - Professor of Forestry, School of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres University
Keywords: Plant diversity, biodiversity indices. Protecte, Lorestan province,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate floral and plant species diversity in west of Oshtorankoohregion, Lorestan, Iran. In 1600-1800 m altitude range at the study area 62 species from 24 familieswere found which 10 species of them are endemic within territory of Iran. In this study in order toavoid effecting factors such as slope, aspect, altitude, and soil three sites were chosen with the possiblesimilarity. The results from One-Way analysis of variance and Duncan average comparison testsshowed that the status of diversity indices in the site 1 and 2 were better than site 3. At probabilitylevel of 99% there was significant difference between species dominance index for the site1, 2, and 3.In terms of richness and diversity, site 1 and 2 has better conditions compared to the site 3. Also thecomparison of diversity diagrams in three sites shows that diversity level in the site 2 is more than theothers, while productivity in the site 1 is better. On the other hand both diversity and productivity inthe site 3 is low and the rate of extinction is high.