biological Evaluation of Intertidal Zone of Mahshahr Ismaeili Estuary Using Structure of Large Population of Invertebrates Macrobenthic
Subject Areas : environmental managementSoolmaz Dashti 1 * , Gholamreza Sabzghabaei 2 , Siroos Nazari 3 , Mohammad Sadeghsaba 4
1 - Associate professor, Faculty of environment, Agriculture and Natural Resources , Islamic Azad University,
Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Associate professor, Faculty of environment, Agriculture and Natural Resources , Islamic Azad University,
Shoushtar, Iran.
3 - Trainer, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
4 - Department of the Marine Environment, Protecting Environment Head Office of Khuzestan of, Iran
Keywords: Evaluation Biological, Ismaeili Estuary, Invertebrates Macrobenthic, Physico_ Chemical
, Factorse,
Abstract :
Introduction: Nowadays in water chemical quality determination and study over this matter,considering the presence of invertebrates macro benthic is one of the important and complementaryelements diagnostic tests. With studying on changing population of invertebrates macro benthic andtheir variety, it is possible to evaluate the contamination of aqueous ecosystem especially estuaries.Materials and Methods: In this research comparison of the gained results from biological indiceswith physical and chemical tests, evaluation of Ismailee estuary’s (part of Moosa estuary)contamination was performed. For this purpose 5 stations were chosen and sampling was carried outin four different seasons. Also some indices related to water quality and sediment rate for differentobjects such as DO, EC, water temperature, pH, turbidity, GSA and TOM were tested and measured.Result and Discussion: According to the achieved results there were found 4 identical groups ofmacro benthic which include 44 species in that study area. Based on this research the highestpercentage belongs to Polycheata with 35.77%, then Bivalvia with 33.15%, abdomen end of theGastropoda with 19.76% and Crustacea with 11.32%. The average of studied density ofMacrobenthose per square meter of bed area was 550 individuals. That means the density of thesecreators is low. In order to identify the contamination rate of the ecological condition of this area,Welch model was applied. Calculating the gained amount of Shanon Index with presented Welchindex shows that the studied area has moderate range of contamination.
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