Studying Impact of Increase in Water Usage Efficiency on Cropping Pattern Change with Emphasis on the Policy Makers and Environmental Objectives in Fars Province
Subject Areas : Environmental EconomicsHamid Mohammadi 1 * , Alireza Sargazi 2 , Valiollah Sarani 3
1 - Assistant Prof, Deptartment of Agricultural economics, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran * (Corresponding Author).
2 - Member of faculty, Deptartment of Agricultural Economics, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran
3 - Assistant Prof, Deptartment of Extension and Agricultural Education, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran
Keywords: irrigation efficiency, Environmental Objectives, Optimal Cropping Plan, Risk, Fars province,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Low water use efficiency, in addition to wasting scarce water resources, also increases water flow and environmental pollution. Analyzing the effect of increasing water use efficiency can be a useful tool for policy makers. This study aimed to analyze the effects of increasing irrigation efficiency among farmers in Fars province. Method: In this study, multi-objective planning approach was used. Findings: Result showed that Impact of increased irrigation efficiency on cropping pattern and producer's objectives including gross margin and risk as well as its impact on environmental aspects including water and chemical fertilizer use was studied. Employment is also another objective. Regarding the multidimensional impacts, multi objective programming was applied. Discussion and Conclusion: Scenario analysis showed that increase in irrigation efficiency increases gross margin, chemical fertilizer use and diversity in cropping plan. However, it failed to incorporate in risk reduction. It was also found that increase in irrigation efficiency dose not increase employment. In general, the society will be benefited from improvement in irrigation efficiency if the increase of gross margin is considered as the main goal.
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- Almasri, M.N. and Kaluarachchi J.J., 2005. Multi-criteria decision analysis for the optimal management of nitrate contamination of aquifers. Journal of Environmental Management, 74, pp.365-81.
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- Krishanth, M. Gunaratne, L.H.P. Ekanayake, E.M.T. and Gunawardene, E.R.N., 2004. An economic viability of micro irrigation system in low country dry zone. Water Professionals Symposium.
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- Najafi, B. Qaemi, A, Taraskar, M. H And d Rahmati (2008). Economic study of drip irrigation system in Fars province. Journal of Economics and Agriculture. Volume II No. 1, 102-87.
- Mohammadi Dinani, M. And h Mehrabbi Bashrabadi (2000). Investigation of Economic Conversion of Watering Irrigation to Underwater Pressure in Bam Village. Quarterly Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development. 31, 136-115.
- Bakhshodeh, M, . and e Rafiee Darani (2005). The Role of Agricultural Credit Award in Developing Irrigation Systems in Isfahan Province. Quarterly Journal of Agricultural Bank. 8, 105-91.
- Rafiee Darani, e. (2005). Factors affecting selection and acceptance of rain irrigation in Isfahan province. master thesis. Shiraz University. Shiraz.
- Shrestha, R. and Gopalakrishnan, C., 1993. Adoption and Diffusion of Drip Irrigation Technology: An Econometric Analysis. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 41(2), pp.407-418.
- Borim Nejad, V and gh, Peykani .,2004. Effect of improving irrigation efficiency in agricultural sector on increasing groundwater level. Quarterly Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development. 47, 90-69.
- Seaman, J. Flichman, G. Scardigo, A. And Steduto, P., 2006. Analysis of nitrate pollution control in the irrigated agriculture of Apulia Region (Southern Italy): A bio-economic modeling approach. Agricultural System, 94, pp, 357–367.
- Latinopoulos, D. and Mylopoulos, Y., 2005. optimal allocation of land and water resources in irrigated agriculture by means of Goal Programming: Application in Loudias River basin. Global Nest Journal, 7, pp. 264-273.
- Berbel, J. and Gomez-Limon, J.A., 2000. The impact of water-pricing policy in Spain: An analysis of three irrigated areas. Agricultural Water Management, 43, pp.219-238.
- Bakhtiar U A (1376). Socio-economic evaluation of Fars province flood spreading plan. Final report of research project. Natural Resources and Animal Sciences Research Center of Fars province. Shiraz.
- Francisco, S. R and Mubarik, A., 2006. Resource allocation tradeoffs in Manila's peri-urban vegetable production systems: An application of multiple objective programming. Agricultural System, 87, pp.147–168.
- Torkamani, J., 1996. Decision criteria in risk analysis: An application of stochastic dominance with respect to a function. Iran Agricultural Research, 15, pp. 1-18.
- 18.Cohon, J.L., 1978. Multiobjective Programming and Planning. Academic Press. New York.
- Raju, K.S. and Kumar, D.N., 1999. Multicriterion decision making in irrigation planning. Agricultural System, 62, pp. 117–129. Berenger, V. and Verdier-Chouchane, A., 2007. Multidimensional measures of well-being: Standard of living quality of life across countries. World Development, 35(7), pp.1259–1276.
- Cerioli, A. and Zani, S., 1990. A fuzzy approach to the measurement of poverty. In C. Dagum, & M. Zenga (Eds.). Income and wealth distribution. Inequality and poverty, pp.272–284. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
- Gomez-Limon, J.A. and Riesgo, L., 2004. Irrigation water pricing: Differential impacts on irrigated farms. Agricultural Economics, 31, pp. 47-66.
- Ballestero, E. and Romero, C., 1998. Multiple Criteria Decision Making and its Applications to Economic Problems. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Amsterdam.
- Torkamani, J, and M., Bakhshoudeh., 2003. Structural Estimation of Wheat Risk Thoughts in Ramajerd region, Iranian Journal of Agricultural Science. No. 34,113-105.