Effect of Educational Building’s Direction on Cooling and Heating Loads in Different Regions
Subject Areas : environmental managementAli –Akbar Azemati 1 * , Hossein Hosseini 2
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran.
2 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran
Keywords: building direction, microclimate, heating &, cooling loads, educational buildings,
Abstract :
Introduction and AimDue to energy resources limitations it is necessary to optimize design of buildings in point of savingenergy. For this purpose, suitable direction of buildings is so important because of reducing of heating,cooling load and wasting energy in buildings. The goal of this research is the effect of direction inquantity of heating & cooling load in educational buildings.Method and DiscussionFor this purpose it's taken a sample school with the same physical & geometrical condition in variantmicroclimate. Then we use Carrier software for modeling of the building and consider direction effectby rotation of building in 22.5 degree and calculate heating and cooling loads.ConclusionWith comparison of revealed results, appropriate orientation of the buildings with regards to thermaland cooling loads and proper orientation from point of annual energy saving of the buildings indifferent regions of Iran is recommended.