Pond Designing Optimization Using Multi-ObjectiveAnt Colony Algorithm and SWAT Model
Subject Areas : environmental managementAbbas Afshar 1 , Mohammad Javad Emami Skardi 2 * , Farzin Jeirani 3
1 - Professor of the Civil Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
2 - MSC Student of Civil Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
3 - MSC student of Agricultural Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: : Loading sediment, Multi-objective Ant Colony Alg, SWAT model, watershed, Wet Detention Pond,
Abstract :
Non-point source management has an imperative role in water resource management. One of the most effective structures in the field of non-point source management is wet detention pond. However, generating the cost-effective pond configurations that satisfy system-wide aims for total target sediment removal will be much more effective and efficient; but most of these structures are designed individually. In order to generate the cost-effective pond configurations, coupling the optimization algorithm with hydrologic simulation model is one of the best applied methods. Materials and Method In this paper, an optimization-simulation model is presented for generating a cost-effective pond configuration in the watersheds. Obviously, more and larger ponds can catch more total suspended solids (TSS) from the watershed, but this will consequently lead to the increase of the cost of pond constructing. Multi-objective ant colony optimization algorithm is applied for determining a Pareto front between two opposing goals namely the loading TSS from the watershed and related cost of the pond designing. Result and Discussion The Pareto front can be used by the watershed authorities for a better controlling of the loading sediment from the watershed. The applicability of the model is studied in a watershed in the west of Iran.
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