Investigation of Cover/Land Use Structure of Sefidrod Watershed by Landscape Ecology Metrics
Subject Areas : environmental managementVahed Kiyani 1 * , Jahangir Feghhi 2
1 - Academic sttaf, Payame Nour University, Iran, Iran
2 - Associate. Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Cover/Land use, Landscape Ecology, Metrics, Sefidrood Watershed,
Abstract :
Introduction: Awareness of the types of land cover and human activities as a data base of planning isimportant, which for optimum use of natural resources in sustainable development way to aware ofecological resources in limited time and minimum cost needed. The aim of this study has beenInvestigation of Cover/Land Use Structure of Sefidrood Watershed by Landscape Ecology Metrics.Material and method: In this study cover/land use maps of watershed with the goal Sefidrood paperusing Arc GIS 9.2 software maps the desired category and eventually became relevant measures usingsoftware Fragstat 3.3 were extracted. Measures used in the grade level (the user) in this studymeasures grade level, percentage area, the number of spots, total margin, shape, Land, the largestspots, the average level of spot, average spot shape index and mean nearest neighbor distances wereEuclidean.Results: Index numbers to measure tear stains classes used in this study, the largest number of spotsand tear, ie the most agriculture-related classes (691) and the lowest dissociation related to the forestclass (30), respectively. The highest rating land to grassland class (39/56) had the spots are moredispersed than classes and the lowest to the forest class (10/78) and in the forest of stain lessdispersion of have. The highest mean Euclidean nearest neighbor distance of the amount of disruptionpieces spots shows a class related to the agricultural class (6747/32 m) and the lowest value was to theforest class (908/32).Conclusion: User disruption in agriculture is the highest amount of fragmentation can therefore beconcluded their relationship with their collection has been discontinued and the notion that this isagricultural land have less integrity (fragmented more disruption) than other classes. The use ofrenewable resources should be a way that do not cause disturbs the balance of the environment, becusethe change in resources due to changes in ecological structure and function of Landscape is impressivein the area. However, applying principles of landscape ecology gives an initial assessment in thelandcape ecological scale that on the way for rapid assessment and scientific use and emphasizedservices of the nature, The prioritization each of the pathes is based on their quality. So suggestedutilization princpel of landscape ecology to provide structural information to design and landuseplanning.
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