Microbial heterotrophic analysis of water network in Arak city and its correlation with MPN, water physicochemical parameters and pipe material
Subject Areas : environmental managementFariba Fathi 1 * , Mohammad Arjomandzadegan 2
1 - Master of Microbiology, Export of Bacteriology Laboratory, Water and Wastewater Company of Markazi Provice, Arak, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
2 - Professor, Medical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases Research Center (IDRC) and Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Keywords: drinking water, Heterotrophic Bacteria, MPN, Water Physicochemical paramete, Arak,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Providing safe and hygienic drinking water has an important effect on the health and well-being of society. This study aims to analyze microbial heterotrophy in the water network in Arak city and its correlation with physicochemical parameters and the material of water pipe network. Method: In this cross-sectional study, 500 sampls have been randomly prepared from the drinking water network in Arak city in a standard condition, and some variables as HPC, MPN, free residual chlorine, turbidity, PH and temperature have been measured. Findings: Evaluation of the results obtained through regression analysis has been performed. Based on the statistical analysis, HPC variables, MPN, PH and turbidity have a significant relationship with the place (P-Value <0.01). There is a direct, but not significant, relationship between HPC and temperature (P-Value <0.05), while free residual chlorine values reversely associate with HPC (P-Value <0.01). Application of Pour Plate and Spread Plate Method for determining the number of HPC bacteria showed that in most cases the Pour Plate Method super performs the Spread Plate Method. Identification of the bacteria isolated from positive HPC revealed that bacillus and Micrococcaceae family have the ability to be active in high chlorine condition. Discussion and Conclusion: Monitoring of HPC is necessary as an important variable and effective in the control of drinking water bacteriological quality.
1- Falcone-Dias MF, Filho AF. Quantitative variations in heterotrophic plate count and in the presence of indicator microorganisms in bottled mineral water. Food Control 2013; 31(1): 90-96.
2- Mosaferi M, Shakerkhatibi M, Mehri A. Heterotrophic bacteria in drinking water in Tabriz, Iran. J of school of public health and institute of public health research. 2011 winter; 8 (4): 83-92. [in Persian]
3- Figueras MJ, Borrego JJ. New perspectives in monitoring drinking water microbial quality. IntJ Environ Res Public Health.2010; 7 (12): 4179-4202.
4- Chowdhury S. Heterotrophic bacteria in drinking water distribution system: a review. Environ Monit Assess. 2012; 184: 6087– 6137.
5- Kokkinakis EN, Fragkiadakis GA, Kokkinaki AN. Monitoring microbiological quality of bottled water as suggested by HACCP methodology. Food Control 2008; 19(10): 957-961.
6- American Public Health Association. Standard methods for the examination of water and astewater, 21th ed. Washington, D.C. 2001. Part 9000 Microbiological Examination. Section 9215.
7- Carter JT, Rice EW, Buchberger SG. Lee Y. Relationships between levels of heterotrophic bacteria and water quality parameters in a drinking water distribution system. Water Research. 2000;34 (5): 1495-1502.
8- United Steates Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA). National primary drinking water standards. March 2001. Available athttp://www.epa.gov/safewater. EPA 816-F-01-007 March 2001.P: 1&4.
9- Edberg SC, Allen MJ. Virulence and risk from drinking water of heterotrophic plate count bacteria in human population groups. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2004May; 92 (3): 255–263.
10- Stine SW, Pepper IL, Gerba CP. Contribution of drinking water to the weekly intake of heterotrophic bacteria from diet in the United States. Water Research. 2005 January; 39 (1): 257-263.
11- Sartory, D.P., 2004. Heterotrophic plate count monitoring of treated drinking water in the UK: a useful operational tool. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 92 (3), pp. 297-306.
12- Francisque A, Rodriguez MJ, Mirandamoreno LF, Sadiq R, Proulx F. Modeling of heterotrophic bacteria counts in a water disstribution system. Water Res 2009; 43(4): 1075-1087.
13- Shar AH, Kazi YF, Kanhar NA, Soomro IH, Zia SM, Ghumro PB. Drinking water quality in Rohri City, Sindh, Pakistan.African Journal of Biotechnology. 2010 October; 9 (42): 7102-7107.
14- WHO. Guidelines for drinking-water quality. 3rd ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2008.
15- Shar AH, Kazi YF, Kanhar NA, Soomro IH, Zia SM, Ghumro PB. Drinking water quality in Rohri City, Sindh, Pakistan.African Journal of Biotechnology. 2010 October; 9 (42): 7102-7107.
16- Francisque A, Rodriguez MJ, Mirandamoreno LF, Sadiq R, Proulx F. Modeling of heterotrophic bacteria counts in a water disstribution system. Water Res 2009; 43(4): 1075-1087
17- Khodadadi A, Ayati B, Bineshian F. Bacteriological of Semnan drinking water distribution. The Modares Journal of Civil Engineering. 2012 winter; 12 (4): 91-98. [in Persian]
18- Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran.Water quality – Sampling formicrobiological examination of water – Code of practice. 4208.1st.Revision. 2007:12-39. [in Persian]
19- Abo-Amer AE, Soltan el-SM, Abu-Gharbia MA. Molecular approach and bacterial quality of drinking water of urban and rural communities in Egypt. Acta Microbiol Immunol Hung 2008; 55: 311-26.
20- Rompré A, Servais P, Baudart J, et al. Detection and enumeration of coliforms in drinking water: current methods and emerging approaches. J MicrobialMethods. 2002; 49: 31-54.
21- Dobaradaran S, Bina B, Nasr Isfahani B. The effect of some physical and chemical parameters on regrowth of aeromonas bacterium and heterotrophic bacteria in Isfahan drinking water system.Journal of water and wastewater. 2006 winter; 57 (17): 8-13. [in Persian]
22- Hass, C.N., Meyer, M.A., and Paller, M.S. (1983). “Microbial alternations in water distribution systems and their relationship to physical – chemical characteristics.” J. AWWA, 75, 475-481 .
23- Kaye, N. Power, Laslo, A., and Nagy. (1999). “Relationship between bacterial regrowth and some physical and chemical parameters Sydney’s drinking water distribution system.” J. Water Research , 33 , 741-750 .
24- Rompre A, Servais P, Baudart J. Detection and enumeration of coliforms in drinking water: Microbial Methods. 2002; 49: 31-54.
25- Bartram J, Cotruvo J, Exner M, Fricker C, Glasmacher A. Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water Safety: The significance of HPCs for water quality and the human health. London: IWA Publishing WHO; 2003. p. 233-44.
26- Salvato JA, Nemerow NL, Agardy FJ. Environmental engineering. 5th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons; 2003. p. 755-9.
1- Falcone-Dias MF, Filho AF. Quantitative variations in heterotrophic plate count and in the presence of indicator microorganisms in bottled mineral water. Food Control 2013; 31(1): 90-96.
2- Mosaferi M, Shakerkhatibi M, Mehri A. Heterotrophic bacteria in drinking water in Tabriz, Iran. J of school of public health and institute of public health research. 2011 winter; 8 (4): 83-92. [in Persian]
3- Figueras MJ, Borrego JJ. New perspectives in monitoring drinking water microbial quality. IntJ Environ Res Public Health.2010; 7 (12): 4179-4202.
4- Chowdhury S. Heterotrophic bacteria in drinking water distribution system: a review. Environ Monit Assess. 2012; 184: 6087– 6137.
5- Kokkinakis EN, Fragkiadakis GA, Kokkinaki AN. Monitoring microbiological quality of bottled water as suggested by HACCP methodology. Food Control 2008; 19(10): 957-961.
6- American Public Health Association. Standard methods for the examination of water and astewater, 21th ed. Washington, D.C. 2001. Part 9000 Microbiological Examination. Section 9215.
7- Carter JT, Rice EW, Buchberger SG. Lee Y. Relationships between levels of heterotrophic bacteria and water quality parameters in a drinking water distribution system. Water Research. 2000;34 (5): 1495-1502.
8- United Steates Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA). National primary drinking water standards. March 2001. Available athttp://www.epa.gov/safewater. EPA 816-F-01-007 March 2001.P: 1&4.
9- Edberg SC, Allen MJ. Virulence and risk from drinking water of heterotrophic plate count bacteria in human population groups. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2004May; 92 (3): 255–263.
10- Stine SW, Pepper IL, Gerba CP. Contribution of drinking water to the weekly intake of heterotrophic bacteria from diet in the United States. Water Research. 2005 January; 39 (1): 257-263.
11- Sartory, D.P., 2004. Heterotrophic plate count monitoring of treated drinking water in the UK: a useful operational tool. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 92 (3), pp. 297-306.
12- Francisque A, Rodriguez MJ, Mirandamoreno LF, Sadiq R, Proulx F. Modeling of heterotrophic bacteria counts in a water disstribution system. Water Res 2009; 43(4): 1075-1087.
13- Shar AH, Kazi YF, Kanhar NA, Soomro IH, Zia SM, Ghumro PB. Drinking water quality in Rohri City, Sindh, Pakistan.African Journal of Biotechnology. 2010 October; 9 (42): 7102-7107.
14- WHO. Guidelines for drinking-water quality. 3rd ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2008.
15- Shar AH, Kazi YF, Kanhar NA, Soomro IH, Zia SM, Ghumro PB. Drinking water quality in Rohri City, Sindh, Pakistan.African Journal of Biotechnology. 2010 October; 9 (42): 7102-7107.
16- Francisque A, Rodriguez MJ, Mirandamoreno LF, Sadiq R, Proulx F. Modeling of heterotrophic bacteria counts in a water disstribution system. Water Res 2009; 43(4): 1075-1087
17- Khodadadi A, Ayati B, Bineshian F. Bacteriological of Semnan drinking water distribution. The Modares Journal of Civil Engineering. 2012 winter; 12 (4): 91-98. [in Persian]
18- Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran.Water quality – Sampling formicrobiological examination of water – Code of practice. 4208.1st.Revision. 2007:12-39. [in Persian]
19- Abo-Amer AE, Soltan el-SM, Abu-Gharbia MA. Molecular approach and bacterial quality of drinking water of urban and rural communities in Egypt. Acta Microbiol Immunol Hung 2008; 55: 311-26.
20- Rompré A, Servais P, Baudart J, et al. Detection and enumeration of coliforms in drinking water: current methods and emerging approaches. J MicrobialMethods. 2002; 49: 31-54.
21- Dobaradaran S, Bina B, Nasr Isfahani B. The effect of some physical and chemical parameters on regrowth of aeromonas bacterium and heterotrophic bacteria in Isfahan drinking water system.Journal of water and wastewater. 2006 winter; 57 (17): 8-13. [in Persian]
22- Hass, C.N., Meyer, M.A., and Paller, M.S. (1983). “Microbial alternations in water distribution systems and their relationship to physical – chemical characteristics.” J. AWWA, 75, 475-481 .
23- Kaye, N. Power, Laslo, A., and Nagy. (1999). “Relationship between bacterial regrowth and some physical and chemical parameters Sydney’s drinking water distribution system.” J. Water Research , 33 , 741-750 .
24- Rompre A, Servais P, Baudart J. Detection and enumeration of coliforms in drinking water: Microbial Methods. 2002; 49: 31-54.
25- Bartram J, Cotruvo J, Exner M, Fricker C, Glasmacher A. Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water Safety: The significance of HPCs for water quality and the human health. London: IWA Publishing WHO; 2003. p. 233-44.
26- Salvato JA, Nemerow NL, Agardy FJ. Environmental engineering. 5th ed. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons; 2003. p. 755-9.