Estimation the economic value of recreational functions of enviromental resources in Forest Park (A case study: Forest Park -e Abshar in yasouj)
Subject Areas : environmental managementAbolfazl Mahmoodi 1 * , Mohammad Mirza Javedaaneasl 2 , Behrooz Hassanpour 3
1 - - Assistant Professor of Economics, Payam-e-Noor University, Tehran, Iran* (Corresponding Author).
2 - MSc. In Agricultural Economics, Payam-e-Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Prof., in Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Research and Natural Resource and Education Center, Yasouj, Iran
Keywords: Economic Value, Recreational Functions of Envi, Forest Park,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: In this research, the economic value of Recreational (non use) functions and the factors affecting the willingness to pay Yasouj Forest Park-e Abshar's visitors using double dichotomous choice contingent valuation questionnaire was estimated. Methods: 180 questionnaires in the spring and summer of 1392 through the completion of interviewed visitors were collected. According to Bids amounts for 1000, 2000 and 3000Tomans was determined for park entrance fee. In addition to other information about the socio-economic characteristics were collected. Due To estimate the parameters influencing the willingness to pay of visitors the logit model was estimated. Findings: Based on the results, the 77/2% of visitors were willing to pay to protect and preserve the park.The Average willingness to pay (EWTP) of each sample about 19,085 rials was obtained. Variables such as bids, income, length of stay in the park and visiting the park were significant. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this study provide important information about planning to promote the park for quality recreational facilities. For example, set park's entrance fee up to 19085 Rials per person, Sources of income which can be spent on equipment and cause satisfactory parks and recreational facilities provided for the visitors. Also, through the participation of young people interested in the environment and recruits of the honorary guards, can be used to remove contaminants, helping to beautify and protect the privacy of parks used to be great.
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