Valuation of Ecotourism in Order to Preserve the Outdoor Recreation and Promenade of Shirkooh of Yazd Zone
Subject Areas : environmental management
Mohammadreza Zare Mehrjerdi
Maryam Ziaabadi
1 - Associate professorof Agricultural Economics, Bahonar Kerman University, Iran
2 - PhD.. Student, Agricultural Economics, Bahonar Kerman University, Iran
Keywords: Ecotourism value, environmental, Logit model, preservation value, Shirkooh of Yazd
, promenade z,
Abstract :
Introduction: This research has studied to determinate the value of preservation of Shirkooh zone andadjacent outdoor recreation villages and measured the individuals willingness to pay (WTP) forpreservation profits of this zone.Material and Method: Logit model was used for measuring of individual's willingness to pay andestimation parameters of the model are based on method of maximum likely hood (ML).Result and Discussion: The results showed that 79.1% individuals have the willingness to pay forpreservation of this zone. In this study, the mean of WTP for preservation value of this zone is31250 Ir. Rials per month per household. Therefore Shirkooh promenade zone has considerablepreservation value and this value, policy and decision persuades the suitable preservation of this zone.
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