Investigation on Environmental Impacts of Hamedan Jafari Steel Industrial Estate in Constructional Phase by Using of Analytical Hierarchy Process Method
Subject Areas : environmental management
Seyed Ali Jozi
Sahar Rezaian
1 - Department of Environment, Faculty of Technical & Engineering, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
2 - Department of Environment, Faculty of Technical & Engineering, Islamic Azad University ,Shahrood Branch
Keywords: Investigation on the Environme, Industrial State, Steel Industrial, Constructional Phase, Analytical Hierarchy Proces,
Abstract :
Introduction: This Study was conducted from 21 December 2012 to 20 December 2013 with purpose of investigating the Environmental Implications of the Foolad Jafari industrial Estate within the Construction process. The Construction Project of Foolad Jafari industrial area pursues the Goal of producing spongy Iron and Steel in the Mountaneous zone in middle Komazan which is a part of Malayer. This industrial Estate Measures 96/8 hec. Material and Methods: In this study we first identified the current status of environment considering physicochemical, biological and socioeconomic and cultural environment. To do so, we specified the depth and the area under investigation and then we took samples of air, soil and water. The study of environmental impacts from this structural phase on biological environment was also carried out till 13/25 km from R1 in fact till Lashgardar conservative area. The recognition of the economical, social and cultural features as well as the expert visit of the economical and social traits of the project was done on the basis of the result of the primary census on November of 2006. To conform to the suggestive land-use to physical and ecological capability of environment we had studied the evaluation of ecological capability via systematic Method and also we used Multi Criteria Model for Evaluation of Ecological Iran's Capability by Arc GIS on the Scale of 1/10000. To reach the Industrial development the results of this study showed that: 8/6 percent of this area has the first rank's capability (very suitable), about 75 percent of R1 has the second rank capability (Appropriate) and about 16/4 percent has third rank capability (UN Appropriate). Results and Discussion: The Study of Foolad Jafari Industrial Estate Environmental impacts were done via AHP Method. At first we prioritized the most important pollutants based on the state of environment and also we prioritized the impacts of Structural process on each parameter to determine the priority of structural phase's environmental effects. During the execution of the project we classified the measured pollutants which exceed the standard level on the basis of two main criteria: The effect on Natural Environment and Health and Security. In the following stages we prioritized parameters and based on Hierarchical Method. In this study we used the method via using expert choice software to weigh and prioritize the environmental factors. The results of this study had shown two points: The negative effect on natural environment with 0/750 weight in comparison with negative effect on built environment with 0/250 weight is more important in determining the significant impact of Foolad Jafari industrial Estate Stability. Considering the distance from crowd centers with site place, we can neglect the impacts from gaseous pollutants and Noise pollutant Emissions on native people's health. However the Effect on Natural Environment is more important in Comparison with built Environment. In the Natural Environment the Effect on Physicochemical Environment with 0/667 Weight has higher value in comparison with Biological Environment.
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