Investigating the Ecological Conditions of Muddy Substrates Using Macrobenthos Communities in Sajafi Area, the Persian Gulf
Subject Areas : Water and Environment
Mohammad Sadegh saba
Seyed Mohammad Bagher Nabavi
Ebrahim Rajabzadeh Ghatrami
GholamReza Sabzghabaei
Soolmaz Dashti
Soghra Rostami
1 - Director of Marine Eenvironment office, Khuzestan Department of the Environment. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine and Ocean Sciences, Marine Science and Technology University of Khorramshahr, Khorramshahr, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, Khorramshahr University of Science and Technology, Khorramshahr, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources, Behbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology, Behbahan, Iran.
5 - Assistant Professor,Department of Environment, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
6 - Director of Laboratory Affairs, Khuzestan Department of the Eenvironment
Keywords: Macrobenthos, Bioindicator, Muddy Substrate, Sajafi Area, the Persian Gulf,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: The majority of the Earth's surface is covered by water bodies whose beds provide very diverse habitats for aquatic. Since benthos communities choose particular type of bed as their habitat, study of sediments and organisms in the substrate environment can help the environmental assessments. This study was performed to assess the ecological condition of the muddy substrates using macrobenthos communities in Sajafi region of the Persian Gulf. Method: Sampling was done in fall 2009 at 20 stations with 3 replicates at each station to determine organic matter and grain size of the sediments. Measurement of water chemical and physical factors and identification of macrobenthoses were carried out using Hach-HQ40d and Grab devices. Diversity indices of Shannon - Wiener, Simpson, Camargo uniformity, Margalef and Menhink species richness were calculated. Nonparametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the distribution of the data, the oneway ANOVA and Spearman correlation tests were used to compare and evaluate the relationships among diversity and density indices, chemical and physical factors and sediment parameters, and Welch pattern was used for assessing the environmental pollution. Findings: Totally 8 groups of Benthos comprising 81 species were identified. The most frequency percent belonged to Gastropoda with 43.03%, Polychaeta with 29.31 % and Bivalvia with 20.53%, respectively. The highest value of Shannon index at station 11 was 4.523. The highest values of diversity and dominance of Simpson, Camargo evenness, and Margalef and Menhink richness indices were 0.948, 0.158, 0.828, 5.830 and 2.830 respectively. The maximum and minimum values of frequency were 4920 and 560 macrobenthos per square meter, at Stations 10 and 17 respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results of the measured indices, which confirmed the high diversity of macrobenthos in the muddy bed of Sajafi area, it can be concluded that the study area has a high potential to preserve the environmental richness of benthic invertebrates.
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- Graeme C. Hays., Anthony J. Richardson., Carol Robinson., 2005.,Climate change and marine plankton., Trends in ecology and Evolution, vol. 20, pp. 337-344.
- Gray, J. S., Elliot, M,. 1981., The ecology of marine sediment., Cambridge university press., London
- Tabatabai, T. Amiri, F. and Pazira. 2009. Monitoring the structure and diversity of macrobenthic communities as indicators of pollutants in Musa and Ghannam stuaries, Fisheries Magazine, 3(4).
- 4. Soleimani. A., Kamrani. A., Keshavarz. M., Wazirizadeh.A. and Bahremand, M., 2012. Ecological Review of the Macrobenthos of Khuore Gabrik (Oman Sea) Protected Area, Journal of Oceanography, 2(7).
- M. Z. Azrina, C. K. Yap, A. Rahim Ismail, A. Ismail, S. G. Tan, 2005., Anthropogenic impacts on the distribution and biodiversity of benthic macroinvertebrates and water quality of the Langat River, Peninsular Malaysia., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2006 July; 64(3): 337–347
- Silva, R.F., Rosa Filho, J.S., Souza, S.R. and Souza Filho, P.W., 2011. Spatial and temporal changes in the structure of soft-bottom benthic communities in an Amazon estuary, Caeté estuary, Pará, Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64 (Proceedings of the 11th International Coastal Symposium), 440-444. Szczecin,
- Nabavi, S, M, B, 2000, Investigation of Macrobenthos of Mahshahr stuaries, with emphasis on their role in aquaculture fishery nutrition, PhD dissertation (Sea Biology), Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch.
- Holme, N.A.; and Mcintyre, A.D: 1984. Methods for study of marine benthos, Second Edition, Oxford Blackwell Scientific Publication. 387 p.
- Buchanan, J. B., 1984, Sediment analysis In: Methods for the study of marine benthos, Black Well Scientific publication, Oxford.
- El-Wakeel, S. K., J. P. Riley., 1956. The determination of organic carbon in marine muds. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Marine, 22, 180-183.
- Welch. E.B., 1992. Ecological effect & waste water- 2nd edition. Chapman & Hall. 425P.
- Shanon, C.E., & Weaver, W., 1949. The mathematical Theory of communication, Bell System Technical Journal, Vol.27, PP.379-423.
- Morovati, H., 2008. Investigation of marine invertebrates biological diversity and Ecology in coastal waters of Sjaafi and Bahrakan, Khuzestan Environmental Protection Agency, p. 111.
- Simpson, E.H., 1949, Measurement of diversity, Nature. Lond, PP.163-688.
- Neira, C., Hopner, T., Rackemann, N., 1998. Annual Course of Sediment Parameters and Meiofauna on a Sandy Tidal Flat in the Wadden Sea after the Severe Winter of 1995.96, German Journal of Hydrography, 50(4).
- Shakouri, A., 1998. Investigating the Structure of Polychates communities in Mahshahr Area stuaries, Graduate Student, Shahid Chamran University, Faculty of Marine and Ocean Sciences.
- Parsamanesh, A., Najafpour, N., Khodadadi, M., Davoudi F. and Sabzalizadeh. S., 1994. Preliminary Hydrological Study of Khuzestan Province stuaries , Iranian Fisheries Research Institute, p. 67.
- Nabavi, S.M.B., Savari, A. and Sakhaei, N., 1993. A Plan for Bentonic Studies in the Persian Gulf (Khuzestan Province), Faculty of Marine and Ocean Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.
- Valavi, H., 1998. Ecological survey and identification of the species of polychaets of the tidal zone of the coasts of Bushehr province, Master's thesis, Faculty of Marine and Oceanic Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.
- Nikuoeian, A., 1998. Investigation of distribution, diversity and primary and secondary production of benthic invertebrates (Macrobenthos) in Chabahar Bay, Ph.D., Biology Researcher, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, p. 195.
- Nabavi, S.M. B., 1999. Evaluation of Human Impact on the Structure of Macrobenthic Communities of Khuore musa, National Conference of the National Oceanographic Center.
- Andrew, S.Y. et al., 1996. Macrofauna: polychaetes, mollusks & Crustacean. In: Methods of the examination of organismal diversity in soil & sediment. Edited by Hall, G.S. UNESCO University Press., Cambridge
- Harkantra, S.N., Rodrigues C.L., Parulekar A., 1982. Macrobenthos of the shelf off north eastern Bay of Bengal., Indian Journal Marine. Science, 11: 115-121.