Productivity Analyses of Iranian Power Plant with Environmental Criterion
Subject Areas : environmental managementAbdoulkarim Esmaeili 1 * , Robab Mohsenpoor 2
1 - - Professor of Agricultural Economics, College of agriculture, Shiraz University
2 - M.Sc of Agricultural Economics, Collage of agriculture, Shiraz University
Keywords: Productivity Analysis, Iranian Power Plant, Environmental Criterion, Pollution, Malmquist index,
Abstract :
Introduction: Productivity of Iranian electric industry with environmental criterion is measured in this study. Material and Methods: Adjusted total factor productivity growth rate using Malmquist Index are calculated for 1981-2005. Result and Discussion: The result indicates that including the pollution abatement activities has a measurable effect on the productivity. Comparison of the productivity shows that the mean productivity with and without environmental criterion were 0.971 and 1.025, respectively. Statistical comparison of the mentioned productivity using Mann-Whitney test reveals that this difference is significant. So it is necessary to use environmental criteria for measuring efficiency and productivity in pollutant industries.
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