Cumulative Environmental Effects Assessment of Nazar Abad County's Industrial Estates - Iran
Subject Areas : environmental managementAzadeh Dabiri 1 * , Masoud Monavari 2 , ُSeyeid Mahmood Shariat 3 , Parvin Farshchi 4
1 - M.Sc., Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Brand, Islamic Azad University
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
3 - Professor, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Brand, Islamic Azad University
4 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
Keywords: Key words: Cumulative environm, Industrial estate, Nazar Abad, Monavari
, Method,
Abstract :
AbstractCumulative effects assessment of development on environment studies the kind of impacts of projectsthat were ignored in environmental assessment directly. CEA, as an act, is a method to distinguish thispoint. Although some separate actions may individually do not have a significant impact, but whenthey are combined the impacts may be significant.Industrial estate of Sepehr is located in geographical position of 50° 35' eastern longitude and 35° 58'northern latitude of Nazar Abad County. Close to this industrial estate, there is industrial estate ofNazar Abad, which is under construction. The area of this industrial estate is 194 hectares. At firstenvironmental conditions of Nazar Abad County and in possible cases the locations of industrialestates were described. Then prediction and assessment of impacts which accrued from constructionand operation of industrial estates on surrounded environment to borderlines of pointed County wereinvestigated.For cumulative environmental effects assessment the Monavari Method (2001) was used and 2alternatives, "No action alternative" and "with project alternative" were considered. In "No actionalternative", just environmental impacts which occurred by development activities with assumption ofnot implementing Nazar Abad industrial estate project and in "with project alternative" cumulativeimpacts which were accrued by activities of Nazar Abad and Sepehr industrial estate projects wereinvestigated.Result of weighting indicated that "No action alternative", 139 positive impacts and 120 negativeimpacts and in "with project option" 216 positive impacts and 143 negative impacts will affect theenvironment. In "No action alternative", algebraic summation of averages score impacts inconstruction and operational phases were -1.78 and in "with action alternative" average score impacts+2.04 were achieved. "With action alternative" in the proposal site was considered as the bestalternative, but project implementation is upon a condition that obeys the proposals for decreasing thenegative environmental effects seriously and impacts and implements the management programs,monitoring and environmental education.