Assessment of de-desertification alternatives using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP): Case study of Khezrabad region in Yazd
Subject Areas : environmental managementMohammad Hassan Sadeghi Ravesh 1 * , Hassan Khosravi 2
1 - 1-Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, College of Agriculture, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Takestan, Iran
2 - Department of De-desertification, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: De-Desertification, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Khezrabad, Fuzzy Analyzes Hierarchy Proce, Pirewise comparison,
Abstract :
In order to enhance the efficiency of control plans, reclamation and restoration of destroyed lands andprevention of limited capitals loss are necessary. Absence of a method for covering various criteriaand alternatives and proposing the optimal solutions based on a systematic structure and collectiveview has been always noticed in de-desertification plans. It has been always observed that thealternatives are proposed based on the expert’s partial, nonsystematic and non-holistic view while heor she has no experience in application of systematic models, such as Multiple Attribute DecisionMaking (MADM), in de-desertification. Therefore, in this study, the systematic Fuzzy AnalyticalHierarchy Process (FAHP) model has been used for proposing optimal solutions to de-desertification.In this study, opinions of experts about the priority of criteria and alternatives were assessed by FuzzyDelphi method and Pirewise comparisons. Then, the final priority of alternatives was obtained byusing fuzzy decision making matrix and FAHP model. This model was employed for assessing theefficiency of proposing optimal alternatives in Khezrabad region in Yazd province. According to theobtained results, modification of groundwater withdrawal, with an average weight of 93%, wasidentified as the optimal de-desertification alternative in the study area, and other alternatives werefound to have an insignificant role in control of desertification
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