Investigation of the Effect of Different Amounts of Sawdust on Physical and Chemical Parameters of Municipal Solid Waste compost
Subject Areas : environmental managementJavad Yousefi 1 , Habibollah Younesi 2 *
1 - - Faculty of Velayat University-Iranshahr
2 - Faculty of Department of Environmental Science, Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: municipal waste, Sawdust, composting, Quality,
Abstract :
Introduction: Composting is one of the best methods for solid wastes disposal, therefore, some efforts seem tobe essential for improving its process and its products quality. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectof sawdust admixture on composting process of municipal waste and some physicochemical parameters ofcompost such as temperature, pH, EC, heavy metals concentration and nutrient content.Methods: 4 piles were prepared and different amounts of sawdust were added (0, 16, 32 and 70%). Every daythe temperature was measured within each pile; pH and EC were measured weekly; and heavy metals andnutrient content were measured in final products.Results: The pile without sawdust showed fluctuation in thermophilic temperature, and the gradual decrease intemperature was started on day 33, whereas this decrease was started on day 18 for 16 and 32% treatments. ThepH value was shown to increase on day 21 and then slightly decreased to end of process. The pH value in finalproduct was maximum in 0% treatment (8.1) and it was minimum in 70% treatment (7.73). The EC valueshowed a slight increase in all treatments during the composting process. Treatments with sawdust showed a lowEC value in final products. 0% treatment gave a maximum amount (4.884) of EC and 32% treatment gave aminimum amount (4.235) of EC. The concentration of heavy metals and nutrients, except for Na and K,decreased with sawdust admixture. This was due to dilution effect of sawdust because of low metal content. Naconcentration increased with sawdust admixture due to high content of Na in sawdust and used water.Conclusion: Temperature fluctuation was controlled in composting piles and thermophilic temperature waspreserved in active composting phase with sawdust admixture. Also compost quality was improved and heavymetals content decreased; therefore, the negative effects of compost on human health decreased with addition ofsawdust
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