Co-Composing of Municipal Waste and Sawdust for Preservation of Compost Moisture and Preventing Loss of Nitrogen From the Pile
Subject Areas : environmental managementJavad Yousefi 1 , Habibollah Younesi 2 *
1 - MSc. of Environmental Science, Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Natural Resources and
Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University
2 - Member of the Science Board, Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: compost, Sawdust, C/N ratio, Moisture, Nitrogen content,
Abstract :
Introduction: In Zahedan, about 0.8 ton sawdust generates in each day. This sawdust is landfilleddespite their good effects on composting process. The aim of the present study was to reuse theseserviceable wastes for improving C/N ratio, preventing nitrogen loss from the piles and investigatingthe effect of sawdust on moisture content of composting piles.Methods: Four composting piles were prepared with 0% (blank), 16%, 32% and 70% sawdustadmixture. Once sampling was done in each week and samples were analyzed for the C/N ratio,moisture, nitrogen and carbon content.Results: The percent of decrease in moisture content was 33% in blank treatment, whereas thisdecrease was 15, 15 and 10% for 16, 32 and 70% respectively. Loss of moisture was decreased withsawdust addition and this is very important for arid and hot area because of water sources shortage.The optimum C/N ratio was observed in 16% treatment and loss of nitrogen was decreased withsawdust addition. The percent of decrease in nitrogen content was 30, 7, 7 and 15% for blank, 16, 32and 70% respectively. The maximum amount of nitrogen in final piles was observed in 16%treatment.Conclusion: Based on experimental data obtained, it can be concluded that sawdust caused water andnitrogen preservation in composting piles and it also improved undesirable and low initial C/N ratio.16% treatment was shown more desirable effects on composting process and compost quality amongother experimental treatments.