A novel environmental approach in water and industrial wastewater treatment using a combined biological, adsorption exchange filtration hybrid system (Case study: Neyshabur Power Plant)
Subject Areas : environmental managementBabak Mehravaran 1 * , Hossein Ansari 2
1 - PhD Student in Water Engineering, Hydraulic Structures, International Campus, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
2 - - Associate Professor, Water Engineering Group, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
Keywords: Silica sand bed, activated carbon filter, resin filter, hybrid system,
Abstract :
Abstract Background and Objective: The hybrid biological, adsorption-ion exchange system is a newly developed process for water and wastewater treatment operations, in which the adsorption process in active carbon and silica sand beds and the ion-exchange process in resin beds (index resins) are used in combination in order to reduce contamination to acceptable levels suitable for reuse. In this study, performance of the mentioned system in wastewater treatment in Neyshabour Power Plant has been investigated. Method: In this study, the effect of various flow fluxes on TS and COD removal via silica filter at various ratios of silica sand (coarse and fine grades), as well as comparison of sodium and calcium ions removal via ordinary and index resins at different fluxes for sanitary and clean drain wastewater treatment in Neyshabour Power Plant have been studied. Findings: There was a decline in sodium ion level from 1250 mg/lit to 1.9 mg/lit and in COD level from 411 mg/lit to zero. Also, conductivity was reduced from 2180µS/cm to 560µS/cm. The system demonstrated the capability for the removal of sodium ion up to 99.6%. Conclusion: The biological, adsorption-ion exchange technology has a high potential for processing a large volume of wastewater as well as generating a high economic value. This hybrid system can be used to return the clean drain wastewater (wastewater from drain boilers and blow down boilers) with high purity to water cycle in power plants.
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