Using Price Factor in Agricultural Water Consumption Management With Emphasis On Environmental Problems: Case Study Fars Province
Subject Areas : environmental managementHossein Gharadaghi 1 , Hamid Mohammadi 2 * , Parviz Haghjoo 3
1 - Assistant professor and member of academic board of Arasenjan Islamic Azad University
2 - Assistant professor and member of academic board of Zabol University
3 - Assistant professor and member of academic board of Zabol University
Keywords: Irrigation water, optimum consumption, Price, demand management and Fars Pro,
Abstract :
The purposes of this study are to determine marginal value of irrigation water, estimation of priceelasticity of water demand and distinguish different method of water pricing. Then, the required datawere obtained from 127 farmers which were selected from 24 villages of Fars Province by samplingmethod. Results showed that:One percent increasing in water price in 1-5 region for group of farmers who own less than 10 hectares(owning hectares<10), decreases the water demand 0.51 , 0.77, 0.97, 0.61 and 0.72 percent,respectively. For the farmers groups who own more than 10 hectares (owning hectares>10), increasingone percent in water price in 1-5 region, decreases the water demand 0.9, 0.48, 0.56, 0.62 and 0.66percent. Water price had significant effects on water demand in all regions and estimated more than%89.For the farmer group owning more than10 hectares in the first regions, increasing one m3 of extraapplied water in summer and autumn season, increased farmers’ income between116 and 505 IR.Rialrespectively, and in that irrigation season applying water was limited. For the farmers group owningless than10 hectares, marginal value of irrigation water for 1-5 regions estimated 65 , 148 , 190, 230and 102 IR.Rial and for the farmer groups owning more than10 hectares, marginal value of irrigationwater for 1-5 regions estimated 208 , 113, 77, 69 and 120 IR.Rrial. Thus, government could presentnon-price policies (encouragement of water carriers, presenting related information, water pricing) inorder to decrease water pollution.