Quantitative & Qualitative Study of Chemical Hazardous Waste in Refinery of Tehran with the Propose of Mitigation
Subject Areas : environmental managementFarzaneh Jafarigol 1 * , Abdulreza Krabasi 2 , Parvin Nasiri 3
1 - PhD Student, Environmental Engineering, Air Pollution field, Science and Research Campus, Islamic Azad
University of Tehran
2 - Member of the Academic Board, School of Environment, Tehran University
3 - Professor, School of Health and Hygiene, Medical University of Tehran
Keywords: Chemical Hazardous Waste, Refinery of Tehran, soil, Heavy metal, TPH,
Abstract :
AbstractIn this study, waste product process, type, volume, source and their period of disposal as well asmanagement methods have been identified. Moreover waste and chemical substance classification hasbeen done according to RCRA law and Basel convention by considering certain codes for eachsubstance.In general, average produced waste in the study area is estimated about 1750 tones, which means20.4g per each crude oil barrel. Annual average hazardous waste is estimated about 1338.7 tons/year,which is %76.5 of whole produced waste and average amount of non-hazardous waste is %23.5 ofwhole produced waste.According to RCRA classification amongst all substances, only 9 of them have been categorized ashazardous waste listed in K list, 11 substances as hazardous waste from unknown source listed in Flist, 25 substances classified as poisoned hazardous waste listed in U list and 4 substances classified asmajor hazardous have been listed in list P. Generally 49 substances of 133 substances have beenidentified and included in RCRA list.On the other hand according to Basel classification, 14 substances classified by Y codes, 6 substancesby H code and 16 substances goes to both H and Y codes.Results from examinations on soil samples show, that wastes produced by refinery includes heavymetal such as Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and Pb more than standards limits.Soil in Salvage area includes the highest average of Zn, and lowest of Cd.Average density of TPH in regional soil is about 230.58mg per each gram of soil; this clearly showsthe polluted soil with oil-waste in Salvage area