Analysis and Prioritizing of the Influencing the Factors on Dent Corn Production by AHP Method: With Emphasis on Environmental Sustainability
Subject Areas : environmental managementAdel Sulaimani 1 * , Ali Asghar Mirakzadeh 2
1 - PhD Student of Geography and Agricultural Extension and Rural Planning, Kkharazmi University, Tehran
2 - Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Rural Planning, Razi University, Kermanshah ,Iran
Keywords: Key words: Dent Corn, AHP, Sustainability, Environment, Agricultural Development,
Abstract :
AbstractIntroductionCorn is an important plant in the world. It grows well under medium to hot climate. Development ofdent corn plant in Ravansar city in Kermanshah province has such conditions that make Ravansar as afirst class of corn producers in Iran. So identifying and prioritizing important factors effective onincreasing the production will lead extending its plant domain in other cities of the country and finallydevelops the agriculture and economic specially for rural people. The main purpose of this survey isrecognition and grading of the effective factors for increased the corn production in Rawansar city.Material and MethodsIn this study the tested population was the society of experts of Jahade Keshavarzi of Rawansar. Theinformation were obtained as questionnaire and the data were analyzed by AHP (multivariate analyzesmethod) and the Expert Choice software.ResultsThe results showed that the education-extension factor is the main operative factor in increasing theproduction of corn, and the factors management, technical and economical factors are in subsequentpreferences. Therefore it is suggested that environmental sustainability should also be included intraining programs for farmers.
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