Analyzing the Strategies of Rehabilitation of Shahrood River by SWOT Technique
Subject Areas : environmental managementAsadollah divsalar 1 , Pari shokri firoozjah 2 , Sajad ferdowsi 3 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Payame Noor, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Payame Noor, Tehran, Iran
3 - MSc of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Payame Noor, Iran.* ( Corresponding Author)
Keywords: rehabilitation, River, SWOT Technique, Strategy,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Due to the expansion of cities, rivers are considered among the last places where somehow represent the presence of nature in cities. However this spaces are opportunities that have been abandoned and ignored, and despite much potential they propose, they are not being used properly. In this regard, the main objective of the present study is recovery and rehabilitation of rivers and streams which yet have been rendering only their first function as passing runoff while their other capacity is left unused. In this regard, with proper planning and management and the use of suitable strategies, such spaces can be restored to use cycle. Method: This study is a descriptive-analytical type and the data and information have been collected through field studies and and documents. This study examines the river of Shahrood as a case study. Data and information gathered are analyzed using the SWOT technique. Results: SWOT matrix analysis shows that the restoration of Shahrood River is highly important for transportation and diversification strategies. Similarly, the second, third and forth priorities are the use of aggressive strategies, defensive strategies and direction of change strategies, respectively. In addition, from special aspects, diversification strategies are more important than the others, and the second, third and forth priorities are use of aggressive strategies, defensive strategies and direction of change strategies, respectively. In this regard, in terms of environmental and recreational activities, diversification strategies are placed in first priority, defensive strategies are placed in second priority, aggressive strategies are placed in third priority and direction of change strategies are in fourth priority. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that rehabilitation of study area is the first priority for dealing with the threats of the external environment. Also results of SWOT analysis techniques show that variety of strategies is first priority for rehabilitation of study area. Therefore, it is must to adopt some mechanisms for prevention of negative impact of external threats using the strength of the internal environment.
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