Eastimating the Animal House Area`s Per Capita on the Campus for Training and Research Purposes
Subject Areas : environmental managementBanafshe Barkhordar 1 * , Babak Barkhordar 2
1 - Department of Environmental engineering, Parand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parand, Iran * (Corresponding Author).
2 - Department of architecture, Parand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parand, Iran
Keywords: the animal house area per capi, the animal house per capita, designing animal houses,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Now animal houses are an important part of training and researches project. The objectives of establishing animal houses on the campus are making a suitable place for keeping lab animals under standard conditions similar to those of their lives making it possible to conduct reproducing healthy laboratory animals, performing training and research experiments and training students. On the other hand, it decreases the bad smell in the laboratory, reduces the possibility of animals catching different prevalent diseases, cuts down the probability of the disease to human being and prevents animals from escaping. In addition, animal houses can decrease purchase expenses and save staff time and if it is introduced well it can enjoy economic justification. Method: In this research with studding of animal houses in use and steaming the area for a university animal house for educations and researches. The animal house area per capita was estimated for each of student. Findings: The results contain the animal house parts are: Office, cloak- room, research room, increasing room, weighting room, behaiveir room, surgery and recovery, place of cages, washing room ,storage, compressor, marine increasing room, researching monkey behavior, museum. Discussion and Conclusion: The animal houses area for universities and high educational centers for training and research purposes is about 375 m2 for 200 biology students therefore the animal house area per capita would be 1.8 m2.
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