Biological Treatment Acid Mine Drainage of Copper Mine of Sarcheshmeh Industry through SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactors) System
Subject Areas : environmental managementReza Marandi 1 * , Mohammad Javad Ebranimi Zarandi 2
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Keywords: Biological treatment, Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), Sarcheshmeh Copper Industry, Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR,
Abstract :
Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is one of the most important and known environmental pollution made in mining activities. These kinds of water include high concentrations of heavy metal ions such as Fe, Mn, Cu, and Ni. It has affected marines and people life dangerously. Acid Mine Drainage is produced when the Sulphid minerals in water and air combine with each other and particularly when there is a presence of bacteria. In this research we analyze acid mine drainage, removal heavy metals ions (Fe, Cu, Mn) by sludge municipal, wastewater with use of three Sequencing Batch Reactors researches in range pH (4.5, 6.5-7, 7-7.5, 7/5-8) and flow 5ml/min performed. Then identification of the best pH (7.5-8) treatment in flows (5, 30, 60, 120) ml/min is performed, that in flows (5, 30) ml/min of the biggest percentage of removal is observed. The percentage of removal of the heavy metals in flow 5m/min is observed (Fe, Cu, Mn) 100%, 99.18%, 90.88% and in flow 30 ml/min (99.5%, 85.19%, 88.28%) in consequence. Amount of 780 mg/l MLSS in sludge municipal is obtained.