Optimization model for production productivity considering the external costs of Co2 emission in the kiln Department of cement factory (case study)
Subject Areas : environmental managementAhmad Naghiloo 1 * , Sajjad Emami 2 , Ata chitsaz khoie 3 , Mohammad Fathaliloo 4
1 - Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khoy Branch, Islamic Azad University
3 - Ph.D Student of Tabriz University
4 - Ph.D Student of Tabriz University
Keywords: External costs, CO2 emission, Production productivity, Optimization, Cement industry,
Abstract :
Introduction: Cement factories are highly energy- and cost-intensive industries. Energy consumption in thecement industry is in the form of fossil energy carriers such as natural gas and fuel oil that are major sources ofCo2 emissions. Since carbon dioxide emission from cement manufacturing has a high percentage of the total Co2production in the world, there is a high potential for controlling and reducing Co2 emission.Materials & Methods: In this paper, the theory of microeconomics firm was used to present a model foroptimal production productivity considering the external costs of Co2 production in cement industry. To showthe effect of Co2 emission in the model, Co2 emissions is considered as a function of energy consumption andthen added to the set of constraints.Results & Discussion: Eventually by solving the presented model by an advanced mathematical programmingnamed GAMS software, Co2 emission is reduced by 15% and total annual cost is reduced by 6% which areremarkable.
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